SRN Executive Minutes – February 2019

Tuesday 19 February 2019 at 21.30 Vienna Time

Participants: CSB (chair), CT (minutes), AZ, PR, JF (only at the very beginning, due to technical problems)

Excused: Christina


  1. Approval of the minutes 190122 (last meeting)



  1. Next Conferences:

Discussion about the text of the Call for next conference organisers – 2021-2023.

Draft accepted with few corrections. Deadline will be April 30th, decisions to be made in the June meeting. Official communication at the AGM in Porto. (to the organizers after the June meeting) Applications can be made for a specific year, or for all years. In the later case it’s up to the EC to choose the year.

The Call will be send via our list and put on our website. After that we will spread it similarly to the CfPs for our conferences and spread via our channels of communications. We will use the list of the Porto CfP to coordinate the distribution among us.


  1. Porto Conference

Response of the Porto organizers about our answer regarding their need for help with the election of abstracts (vid the Minutes of last meeting, AZ + CSB)

A lot of work was done in the selection processes and we thank the organizers for that.

We suggest to send the comments that were written during this process to the applicants in order to approve their presentations, but it is up to them if they want to do this.

The applicants will be informed by March 1st.

We accept the rejections, although we consider these decisions to be the responsibility of the organizers, not of the EC.


  1. Newsletter

Lots of information for the newsletter was received. The next one will be send out in a couple of weeks.


  1. Awards

We have a number of nominations for the book award, but not a single one for an article. We will remind members of this category in the next newsletter.

PR will get in contact with Steven Price, who as editor of the JoS should have a good overview about articles to be published during the timespan eligible for the award.


  1. Other business

We discussed the option of an additional page on our website for Early Carrier Researchers. The EC prefers to focus on social media in this case instead of putting up a new page with not enough content.

CSB will represent SRN with the Yearbook of International Organizations, a publication of the Union of International Associations,


Next meeting. Wednesday March 20 at 21:30 Vienna time.

SRN Executive Minutes – January 2019

SRN Minutes 22 January 2019

Screenwriting Research Network Executive Council

Minutes of the EC meeting 21:30 (Vienna time)

22.01.2019 via Skype


Attendees: Carmen Sofia Brenes (Chair), Christina Milligan (Minutes), John Finnegan, Margaret McVeigh, Paolo Russo

Apologies: Claus Tieber

Absent (technical problems): Anna Zaluczkowska


Agenda SRN EC Meeting

  1. Approval of the minutes 181219 (last meeting)

Approved.                                                                                                                                  Action:These can now be put up on the website (AZ).


  1. Porto Conference

Good mix of guest speakers noted.

Regarding whether an Executive Committee member should be involved with reviewing the abstracts, it was noted that the EC has great confidence in the Porto committee and EC involvement is not necessary. EC is happy to engage with Porto committee if they have particular issues that need to be discussed.  Individual members of EC could also be approached by Porto to engage with their executive committee on an individual basis, rather than as members of the EC.

(CSB to discuss EC response with AZ for forwarding to Porto committee).


  1. Newsletter

Next newsletter will come out end of February/beginning of March – call for submissions will go out early/mid-February.

JF is sharing points from newsletter on social media to widen its reach.


  1. Awards

Book nominations are coming in but not nominations for articles. Discussion re how to draw attention to the award for articles.  JF is promoting on social media and also working on how to bring more attention to articles published in JOS for example.  Suggestions we push this on Twitter also and put out a reminder towards the June deadline.  Will also do reminders in next two newsletters (CM/MM).


  1. Call for next conference organisers – 2021-2023

The EC hopes that the annual conference can be held more often outside Europe and noted that there are a large number of members in the US. CSB/PR will write a request for proposals to be circulated around March this year.  There was agreement that September remains a very good time for the conference to be held.


  1. Other business
  • JF has put out a call for interest in organizing one-day conferences, particularly for early-career researchers. He is working on one to be held in Falmouth in March and has had good expressions of interest in the UK.  Importance of branding discussed, with JF’s suggestion of an SRN banner being made for use at such conferences appreciated.  This will also be useful for visual branding on social media.
  • Steven Price has confirmed he will update the EC every 2-3 months on the Journal of Screenwriting.
  • Book reviews editor for JOS Rosanne Welch will let us know if/when they need new book reviews (currently already several lined up for forthcoming issues).
  • Membership remains fairly steady with departures being balanced by new members.


Meeting ended at ca. 22.10 Vienna time

Next meeting: Feb 19thor 26th at 21:30 Vienna time (Date to be confirmed)

SRN Executive minutes September 2018

Minutes of Executive meeting 15:00 (Milan time) 12th September 2018, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Christina Milligan, Ronald Geerts, Carmen Sofia Brenes, Anna Zaluczkowska, John Finnegan; and Guilhermina Castro and Daniel Ribas (item 5 only).

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were approved.


  1. Finance

A discussion about the value and purpose of the SRN raising funds brought in further discussion about membership and working groups. It was decided that the next Exec should look at making membership acceptance a little more formal, in order to ensure clarity for institutions, and underline the value for individuals. If a decision is made later to introduce membership fees, this would also facilitate that.

The discussion about working groups resulted in a decision to ask the next conference to make available spaces and timeslots for working groups, both for informal/networking purposes and as guaranteed panels. It was then decided that the next Exec should send out a Call for Working Groups/Panels, as a way of revitalising activity in specialist areas and research questions.

The Executive also decided to investigate applying for networking funding to COST (again) and other sources, to support travel for meetings of working groups.

Action: 2018-19 Exec


  1. Newsletter

The role of the newsletter was discussed. It was decided that it was definitely an appropriate site for debate and opinion, controversial or otherwise, as well as being the right place for news and information.

Action: CM, CSB


  1. Early Career Representative

John Finnegan, the co-opted ECRep for 2018-19, was welcomed to the meeting. He spoke about suggestions for fulfilling his role, and his desire that Early Career Researchers should feel part of the work of the SRN. The meeting agreed that he should send out a short simple questionnaire to ECRs, to increase awareness of issues facing them, and of suggestions for improvement.

Action: JF


  1. 2019 Conference

Daniel Ribas and Guilhermina Castro spoke briefly about progress with this conference in Porto, Portugal, organised by Cattolica Porto and the University of Lisbon. The dates are now set as 12th-14thSeptember 2019. The theme, ‘Order and Chaos’, was welcomed, and there was discussion of the various binary oppositions that might then provoke interesting papers, e.g. narrative structuring vs. the emergent methods of development. A brief discussion ensued over possible keynote speakers, peer reviewing of papers and the timing of Calls for Papers etc. IM offered to search out the timeline for a previous conference as a guide.

Action: IM


  1. Diversity

A brief discussion on this topic within SRN, particularly the awareness of our US- and Euro-centric character, resulted in decisions first to set up a specific Working Group, and secondly for the next Chairperson (or nominee) to seek an early meeting/discussion with the Editor of the Journal of Screenwritingto see if journal and association could work together to actively seek out researchers and contacts in regions and countries not so far represented. IM reported that Intellect had in the past shown themselves to be willing to help, certainly in providing information about the circulation of the Journaland possibly in encouraging special issues about certain geographical regions.

Action:  2018-19 Exec


  1. Date and time of next meetings
  2. Milan (in person): Brief introductions and assumption of roles and activities, following AGM 14thSeptember 2018.
  3. Monthly (by skype): dates and times to be agreed, taking into account the time-zones of new members of the Exec.
  4. Porto (in person): Full meeting of Exec in person, 11th September 2019.

Action: 2018-19 Exec


First Meeting of new EC, SRN Conference Milan,  September 15th, 2018

Start: ca. 7pm          End: ca. 7:30 pm


Carmen Sofia Brenes, John Finnegan, Margret McVeigh, Christina Milligan, Paolo Russo, Claus Tieber, Anna Zaluczkowska.


The AGM re-elected Carmen Sofia Brenes and elected Margret McVeigh and Paolo Russo as new members of the EC for two years.

Claus Tieber steps down as chair and suggests Carmen Sofia Brenes as new chair. The EC unanimously approves Carmen as the new chair of the network.

The remaining members of the EC stay in their positions, Claus Tieber is taking over secretary from Ian Macdonald and will write the minutes of the monthly meetings.

Paolo Russo will be membership secretary and Margert McVeigh treasurer.

John Finnegan will support the communication, especially via social media.

The new EC has to find a fixed monthly date, Tuesdays is a first proposal.

The new members should send their bio and a picture to Anna to be published on our website.


The first monthly meeting should be in October. Date will be fixed per e-mail.



SRN Executive minutes June 2018

Screenwriting Research Network Executive

Minutes of Executive meeting 13:30 (Vienna time) 8th June 2018 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Christina Milligan, Ronald Geerts, Carmen Sofia Brenes.

Apologies: Anna Zaluczkowska

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were approved.


  1. SRN Awards

The meeting approved the FAQs, which will now be forwarded to the Jurors. CT will also compose the announcement of the Awards for the AGM. Carmen will turn her attention to designing an appropriate certificate.

Action: CT, CSB


  1. Elections to the Executive from 2018

IM had emailed Eleonore Fornasari with the Timeline of deadlines, but had not yet had a reply. He will follow this up, perhaps with Armando Fumagalli, early next week. IM will also re-circulate the Timeline information to the Exec, for information.

Action: IM


  1. Conference and AGM

No new information had arrived from Armando Fumagalli. CT will circulate the Exec through the summer with relevant information as it arrives. The date and time of the AGM is as noted in last month’s minutes, and the location is yet to be confirmed. Agenda items to Claus, please. Claus is also to prepare the Annual Report and the Action Plan.

Action: CT, all


  1. 2019 Conference

Anna Z was not present so could not comment on any contact with Guilhermina Castro and Daniel Ribas, if any. However, the EC felt the best opportunity would be at the Milan conference, in any case. The one urgent item was to clarify the dates, and AZ was asked to liaise with Porto over the best/suitable dates.

Action: IM, AZ


  1. Early Career Representative

Three candidates were considered, all of a high calibre. John Finnegan of Falmouth University (UK) was co-opted as our first Early Career Representative. His first meeting with the Exec will be at the EC meeting in Milan on 12thSeptember at 15:00 hrs. The EC felt the other two should be encouraged to stand for election, and/or perhaps take over from John in 2019. A suitable email would be drafted by IM and approved by CT to be sent to them.

Action:  CT, IM


  1. Any other business: Newsletter

CM informed the meeting that the new Newsletter was nearly ready, and would be forwarded to CSB for her input on Monday.

Action: All, CM, CSB


  1. Date and time of next meetings


13:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 7thSeptember 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes May 2018

Screenwriting Research Network Executive

Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 18th May 2018 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Christina Milligan, Ronald Geerts, Carmen Sofia Brenes (from 12:55).

Apologies: Anna Zaluczkowska

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

Two errors were noted and corrected minutes will be circulated.

Action: IM

  1. SRN Awards

Claus Tieber had drafted a list of questions to be resolved, for the good management of the Awards, including e.g. categories, criteria, communication etc. A detailed discussion outlined the views of the Exec. CT will complete these ‘FAQs’ with their answers, and circulate to the Exec members for final approval.

Action: CT

  1. Elections to the Executive from 2018

Armando Fumagalli had suggested Eleonore Fornasari as Elections Officer. She had agreed to do this, and the Executive were happy to confirm their agreement. IM will contact her, and will circulate the Timeline of deadlines which should be adhered to, in preparation for the AGM.

Action: IM

  1. Early Career Representative

IM reported that John Finnegan of Falmouth University (UK) had been contacted and was delighted to be co-opted as our first Early Career Representative. His first meeting with the Exec will be in Milan on 12thSeptember at 15:00 hrs.

  1. Milan Conference

There are at the present time 130 registered participants. The AGM will be held on 14thSeptember from 13:00-15:00, and the Exec Council will meet in person on 12thSeptember at 15:00 (agenda items to CT, please).

Action: CT 

  1. 2019 Conference

Guilhermina Castro and Daniel Ribas had been in contact with Anna Zaluczkowska, and had offered some suggestions for conference theme, dates and keynote speakers. The exec expressed some concern that the dates might be a little too late for European academics, and that the possibility of the first or second week in September should be discussed. There was a welcome for the first thematic suggestion – Screenwriting and Disruptive Narratives– and further discussion about the other suggestions. IM will talk with AZ about views expressed.

Action: IM, AZ

  1. Journal of Screenwriting

CT expressed friendly concern that the Journal of Screenwriting was not as visible to non-subscribing members as it might be, and was not making good use of the email list or Facebook page (nor indeed Newsletter) to call for papers or announce new issues. IM explained some of recent activities of the Editorial Board. CT expressed willingness to help with advertising/promoting issues, and IM will convey this information to Steven Price.

Action: IM, CT

  1. Any other business: Newsletter

CM reminded us that a new edition was in preparation and asked that any contributions be communicated to her and Carmen.

Action: All, CM, CSB

  1. Date and time of next meetings

13:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 8thJune 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes April 2018

Screenwriting Research Network Executive

Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 20th April 2018 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Christina Milligan, Anna Zaluczkowska, Carmen Sofia Brenes (from 12:40).

Apologies: Ronald Geerts

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were accepted.

  1. SRN Awards

Three distinguished scholars have accepted our invitation to be the first Jury for the SRN Awards. They will be officially announced at the Conference in September, and the Awards for Best Book and Best Article will be presented at the Conference in Porto in 2019. They are currently coming up with a list of FAQs about the process, and CT will liaise with them on behalf of the EC.

Action: CT

  1. Elections to the Executive from 2018

No suggestions had been received for someone to act as Returning Officer/Elections Director at the conference in September. Discussion produced two names and they will be approached.

Action: IM

  1. Newsletter

CM had not received any further feedback, but CSB had got two emails in support, and noted that some people had joined the Facebook group. A new call for information/news will be sent out soon.

Action:  CM, CSB

  1. Milan Conference

There are at the present time 111 presenters, 50% from the USA/UK/Australia. There will be a special panel on Animation chaired by Paul Wells. The AGM will be held on 14thSeptember from 13:00-15:00, and the Exec Council will meet in person on 12thSeptember at 15:00 (agenda items to CT, please).

Action: CT 

  1. Early Career Representative

The meeting considered applications and decided to co-opt John Finnegan of Falmouth University (UK) as the first Representative of Early Career Researchers. IM is to inform him and he will begin attending Exec meetings from September.

Action: IM

  1. 2019 Conference

Contacts for the Porto conference are confirmed as Guilhermina Castro and Daniel Ribas.

  1. Any other business: SARP

IM reported that more entries have been received for the pdf document, and that he would update this before releasing the next draft to AZ for inclusion on our website.

Action: IM, AZ

  1. Date and time of next meetings

12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 18thMay 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes March 2018

Screenwriting Research Network Executive

Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 16th March 2018 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Ronald Geerts, Christina Milligan

Apologies: Anna Zaluczkowska, Carmen Sofia Brenes

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were accepted.

  1. SRN Awards

Following an exchange by email, a list of six possible judges was drawn up (3M, 3F). IM will draft an invitation to be sent by Claus to them in an agreed preferred order. We are seeking three who will agree to serve for a year. The Awards and the names of the judges will be announced at the conference in Milan in September.

Action: IM, CT

  1. Early Career Representative

The new Newsletter has included the information that we will be seeking an Early Career Representative, and IM will now follow this up with an amended official Call for Nominations as agreed by email with Claus on 27thFeb. The deadline will now be June 1stand the first appointee will serve from the date of the AGM (Friday 14thSeptember).

Action: IM

  1. Milan Conference

At the time of meeting, 40 people had registered, and the PhD students pre-conference meeting on Wednesday has been organised, along with an animation panel. All keynotes are now in place. Claus will continue to liaise.

Action: CT

  1. 2019 Conference

It is now confirmed that the 2019 conference will now be in Porto, with the expectation that the Oxford conference will take place in 2020. We need to appoint a liaison person from the Exec. Claus will contact Anna and Carmen to see if they wish to volunteer.

Action: CT

  1. Newsletter

The newsletter had now been released to the SRN, to general acclaim. The meeting thought it was excellent, and offered congratulations to Christina and Carmen on a useful and professional job. There was considerable optimism about the prospects for future newsletters. It was noted that the newsletter is on our FB site, and should be added to our website. Any information for inclusion should be sent to Christina in the first instance.

Action:  CM, AZ

  1. Promoting other events

We had received a request from the Aegean Film Lab to promote an event which might be of interest to SRN members. After discussion it was agreed that this was fine (exchanging information useful to the field is what we do), but that we should also discuss the role (if any) of advertising and our activities when we meet face to face in Milan.

Action: all

  1. Elections to the Executive from 2018

IM requested suggestions for someone who could act as Returning Officer/Elections Director at the conference in September. Please send via email.

Action: all, IM

  1. SARP

IM had circulated a draft pdf, to a favourable reaction from the members of the Exec. IM would update this before releasing it to AZ for inclusion on our website.

Action: IM, AZ

  1. Date and time of next meetings

12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 20thApril 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes February 2018

Screenwriting Research Network Executive

Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 16th February 2018 (by Skype)


Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Ronald Geerts, Christina Milligan, Anna Zaluczkowska, Carmen Sofia Brenes (from 12:50),

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were accepted.

  1. SRN Awards

An email had been drafted by IM, but this process has raised further questions and thoughts. There followed a discussion about possible jurors, criteria for appointment, duration of appointment and other elements. A list of names had been received by CT and circulated. The procedure for nominating entries was also discussed. It was also decided that the Awards should not be started before next academic year, and would therefore be announced properly at the next AGM, along with the names of the judges.

It was also decided that CT and the Executive would remain ‘hands-off’ once the panel had been appointed, and the process should be run independently by the Chair of the jury. Judges should be appointed for one year, with the expectation of (though optional) of continuing for a second.

Entries should be nominated by an SRN member, and we would encourage a wide range of sources for nomination – i.e. it is not just specialist screenwriting material that could be valuable to the screenwriting studies field. The key is its contribution to screenwriting research and knowledge. Entries cannot be nominated by the author or the publisher of the piece.

It was decided by the Executive that members should send CT 3 votes each from the shortlist of judges, before the next meeting. Once these are appointed, the ball can be set rolling.

Action: All

  1. Early Career Representative

IM apologised for the delay in sending out the Call for a Representative. This will be done shortly.

Action: IM 

  1. Milano Conference

The Exec will be able to hold a meeting at the conference at 15:00 hrs on Wednesday 12th September. Those whose papers have been selected have been informed, and information about travel etc. has also been sent.

Action: CT

  1. SARP

IM reported that information on around 10 collections had been supplied, and he was expecting more before releasing a first pdf via the website. A further call for info will then be sent out.

Action: IM

  1. Newsletter

CM reported that the first issue was imminent.

Action:  CM

  1. Website

AZ reported this was now on a different platform, though it looks the same. Very few people had got back regarding the working groups, and the Chair of the games group had announced she was resigning. On this front, perhaps we need to do some awareness-raising at the conference.

Action: CT, AZ

  1. Date and time of next meetings

12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 16th March 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes January 2018

Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 19th January 2018 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Ronald Geerts, Christina Milligan

Apologies: Carmen Sofia Brenes, Anna Zaluczkowska

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were accepted.

  1. SRN Awards

Following some discussion, it was agreed that we should send nominations for the three-person jury to Claus.

Action: all

We decided that nominations for recipients of the awards should be made no later than 1st June 2018. The jury has until the start of the conference to make decisions. It was also decided that these awards are for research into screenwriting, and would not therefore normally be open to works considered as manuals. We also decided, for 2018 only, to ask for nominations for works which appeared between the dates of 01/01/17 and 01/06/18 inclusive.

An email will be drafted by IM, calling for nominations to be made by 1st June, Exec to approve.

Action: IM, all

Claus Tieber will oversee the process, as Facilitator.

Action: CT

CM will also promote it in the first edition of the Newsletter, due next month.

Action: CM

  1. Early Career Representative

IM is to send out the Call for a Representative.

Action: IM

  1. Milano Conference

CT reported that 140 abstracts had been received, 6 x keynotes had been slated and 2 more were hoped for. CT will circulate the list of names. The schedule is currently in preparation, and includes various meetings needed for the SRN. The Exec will be able to hold a meeting at the conference on Wednesday 12th September.

Action: CT

  1. Any Other Business

IM reported that he had sent an email around the Network asking for volunteers to provide data on resources for the Screenwriting Archives and Resources Project (SARP). In less than a day 6 people volunteered, plus three from the Exec. Just after the meeting the first data was received, from the University of Udine’s Screenwriting Research Center. We look forward to receiving more information, and collating it for the website.

Action: IM

  1. Date and time of next meetings

12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 16th February 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes December 2017

Agenda SRN EC Meeting

15.12.2017 at 2pm Vienna/Brussels

Attended by CM, CB, RG; CT

Excused: IM, AZ had technical problems

  • Minutes of last meeting


  • Newsletter

Some response from the list, a new call for information will be send out in January, first newsletter should be published in February 2018

  • Milano

At the moment there are 85 abstracts (mail from Paolo)

Feedback to people who sent abstracts should be given by January 31st 2018, keynote speakers should also be conformed by this date

  • Archival survey, Ian’s draft for mail

Should be sent out as it is. We assume the problem that more than one person will write about the same archive as marginal, even if so there could be additional info in multiple accounts

  • SRN Awards for outstanding publications in screenwriting studies

categories, organization, timeline

We decided to give away awards in two categories:

  1. Outstanding book in the field of screenwriting studies
  2. Outstanding article in the field of screenwriting studies

(Books in the Palgrave series and articles in the JoS are included.)

A jury of three people should decide. Members of the EC should make suggestions for jurors and have in mind that we need a jury as diverse as possible. Members of the EC, editors of book series and JoS are not allowed to be in the jury. Jury members should change every two years (or so).

Nominations for books and articles should be send to the EC, deadline for nominations has to be confirmed. Jury should have enough time to read and discuss. If there are too many nominations, we might discuss the option of a short list made by the EC.

Accepted are only scholarly works (research articles and books).

Awards will be presented at Milano conference.

  • Reminder: Call for early career research should be send out.


  • Reminder: Ideas for financing

Ideas for “How to spent it” should be collected for a more structured discussion about the topic next year. (at least at the EC meeting in Milano)

  • Time of meetings

CM suggestes to change the time of our meetings to 12:30 Vienna/Brussels time. If this is possible with Anna and Ian, we will do so. 2pm Vienna/Brussels is in the middle of the night in New Zealand.