SRN Executive Minutes – June 2019

Minutes SRN EC Meeting

Wednesday 19 June 2019 at 21.30 Vienna Time

Attending: CSB (chair), CT (minutes), PR, AZ, CM, JF


  1. Approval of the minutes 190529 (last meeting)



  1. Next Conferences:

Discussion about news on the next SRN Conferences: Oxford Brooks (PR), themes of the approved Conferences could be a bit repetitive. Acceptance letter has been sent to Vienna, not yet to Sao Paolo.

A tendency towards more global approaches as in the proposals for Vienna and Sao Paolo and also in the planned theme for Oxford (boundaries) is seen as a move into a direction we always wanted to take and a chance to address new members.

In terms of content the only way to avoid repetitions, as well as a senseless competition for keynote speakers, is for the organizers to get in touch with each other at a very early stage and discuss their plans.

CSB will contact Sao Paolo and tell them that we have accepted their proposal, but we are not yet sure about the year (2023 or 2022). PR will contact the organizer for the proposed conference in 2022.


  1. Awards:

The EC received an offer to financing the two awards in Porto 2019. Discussions about the pros and cons. Unanimously decision to accept the offer. Just have to make sure that we are able to give future award winners the same prize.

After the deadline for nominations on June 15th, the jury received 6 nominations for articles and 5 for books.

Award documents will be prepared for Porto.


  1. Payment of the Domain name renewal of SRN web-page.

20 pounds per year (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5), per account (we have two: Ian requested the School of Media and Communication of Leeds to pay this, as before. (CSB). They accepted for the next two years. The collaboration will be announced on our website.


  1. AGM and Elections

The EC will prepare the AGM and the election and will inform members in due time.


  1. Other business

PR is offering some interesting information about the statistics of our conferences. To be discussed in detail in Porto.


Next meeting: Porto, Wednesday 11 September 4.30 (Porto Time) in person.


End of meeting: 22:30 pm Vienna time