Minutes of SRN EC Meeting
21.10.2019 at 10 pm GMT/UTC (via Skype)
Attendees: Carmen Sofia Brenes (CSB), Rose Ferrell (RF), Alexandra Ksenofontova (AK), Margaret McVeigh (MM), Paolo Russo (PR), Rosanne Welch (RW)
Apologies: Rafael Leal (RL)
1. Approval of Minutes of September meetings
a. EC Meeting 11.9.19
b. AGM 13.9.19
c. New EC – first informal Meeting 13.9.19
All Minutes approved; all action points itemized in the rolling agenda for the new academic year.
ACTION: RL to upload these – as well as Annual Report and Action Plan as approved at AGM in Porto – on Website
2. Experiences from Porto Conference:
• Re: photos posted on social media by the Porto conference organizers, AK pointed out that privacy rules in some countries (e.g. Germany) allow individual members to tell conference
organizers if they do NOT want photos of themselves posted social media. It was suggested that future conferences could/should include on the registration section of their website an
“opt out” check box.
ACTION: PR to include option in SRN2020 website
• It was suggested that the Newsletter could collect comments from attendees of the Porto conference. For example, Rakeesh Sengupta and JJ Murphy – i.e. the winners of the first SRN
ACTION: MM and RW to collect comments
• Could the Newsletter include updates on JOS, especially for the benefit of new members? It was noted that the Editorial Board of JOS is currently undergoing restructuring.
ACTION: MM and RW to liaise with the new Editors when possible.
3. News/update re: SRN2020 Oxford Conference:
• SRN2020 in Oxford will test the 4-day format proposed in Porto. Day 1 will set aside the
morning for EC meetings and similar, with official start after lunch time.
• It will also provide more spaces to have informal/networking/speed dating meetings. In the
future, this will have to be provided for by the various conference organizers.
• PR is working on website for registration – it will include lots of useful details for attendees.
It should be launched at some point in November.
ACTION – ALL to forward CfP to Research Networks/societies/mailing lists/social media as possible. Could use shared list on GoogleDrive
• It was asked whether simultaneous translation could be made available but this would be too expensive (even in case a sponsor was found) and have an impact on registration fee.
4. SRN 2022 Missouri:
ACTION: PR and CSB to send final letter of approval to RW
5. Newsletter (MM, RW)
• Part of this was covered earlier in meeting (see above).
• The new issue of the Newsletter will be out by end of November. 3 issues a year.
• RL is looking into option to have automatic alerts when each issue is uploaded.
ACTION: RL to update on this at next EC meeting
6. Membership (PR, RF)
Admin of JISCMail and new membership application has been handed over to RF.
Items 7, 8 and 9 (below) were noted as relevant topics for rolling agenda of forthcoming meetings in
7. Content/Use of the SRN Web presence
8. ECR activities
9. Action Points for new year: EC to prioritize
a. Relationship between the SRN and the JoS
b. Diversity and awareness
c. Address membership in underrepresented regions
d. Initiatives in specific regions (visibility, liaising, etc.)
e. SRN Awards
f. Elections: Call for nominations
g. Conferences
h. Renewal of website domain
i. Discussion on membership fee
10. Any other business
There was no other business.
11. Date of next meeting: Monday 18 November, 10 pm UTC (TBC)
Confirmed at meeting. However, due to DST change coming into effect at the end of October, the
next meeting will actually start at 9 pm UTC/GMT, as per time pool spreadsheet shared among EC
EC meeting ended at 11.05 pm GMT/UTC