Screenwriting Labour Organizations Internationally

The Screenwriting Research Network has recently conducted a survey of its members to gather information about their local professional screenwriting organization. The following list is compiled from the answers given. If your organization is not listed, please feel free to contact the Website Coordinator within the Executive Council to request that it is added.


Country or Region Name  of Screenwriting Labour Organization
Australia Australian Writers’ Guild (AWG) Link here.
Belgium, Flanders Scenaristengilde ( Link here) & Association des Scénaristes de l’Audiovisuel (ASA) Link here.
Brazil Associação Brasileira de Autores Roteiristas (ABRA) Link here.
Canada Writers Guild of Canada (WGC) Link here.
China China Central Academy of Drama (through the academic journal) Link here.
Czech Republic Association of Czech Film Directors, Screenwriters and Script Editors Link here.
Denmark Dramatiker Forbundet – Dramatist’s Union Link here.
England Writer’s Guild of Great Britain (WGGB) Link here.
France la Guilde française des scénaristes Link here.
Germany Deutscher Drehbuch Verband/DDV Link here.
India The Screenwriters Association (SWA) Link here.
Ireland Writers Guild of Ireland Link here.
Israel Screenwriters Guild of Israel Link here.
New Zealand New Zealand Writers Guild Link here.
Portugal APAD – Associação Portuguesa de Argumentistas e Dramaturgos Link here.
South Africa Writers Guild of South Africa (WGSA) Link here.
Spain Sindicato de guionistas ALMA  Link here.    | Foro de Asociaciones de Guionistas Audio Link here.
Sweden Dramatikerförbundet – Writers Guild of Sweden Link here.
USA WGAW (Writers Guild of America West)  Link here. | WGAE (Writers Guild of America East) Link here.
International International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG) Link here.
Europe Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) Link here.

Brazilian ‘Diálogos de Roteiro’

Diálogos de Roteiro (Portuguese for Screenwriting Dialogues), in their first edition, aims to discuss the multiple realities and methodologies of teaching the craft of the screenplay in Brazil, based on the exchange of experiences and reflections between screenwriters, screenwriting teachers. and other scholars who deal with the complex task of training writers and filmmakers.

Over the course of a week, the event brings together four panelists in order to share their diverse experiences in facing the central question: how to teach Screenwriting in Brazil? Is the know-how of art unrepeatable, as Roland Barthes postulated? Or does the experience of Film schools prove otherwise?

Between Oct 26th, 2020 and Oct 30th, always at 5 pm, the panels will premiere on the website and on the YouTube channel, where the live chat will take place. It is not necessary to register and the videos will stay available afterward on the event website.


Call for Scripts for The Script Department Podcast

The Script Department is a scripted podcast – as well as John Finnegan’s post-doc research project – that has been showcasing lots of great screenplays from writers over the last 12 months and we’d love to hear from practice-led researchers who have academic screenplays they’d like to share with the world.
The objective of this podcast is to showcase the work of screenwriters in a way that is removed from the filmmaking process so that writers can tell the stories they want to tell without concern for industry trends, marketplace demands or production logistics. To show the creative skills of screenwriters in a way that doesn’t depend on the all the outside influences which can determine whether or not a script gets adapted to the screen.
We have a small but consistent listenership right now and we are hoping to build on this in our second year and to do this, we need your help!
We are currently looking for short screenplays of any genre. We will be opening it up to features later in the year but for now we want to concentrate on shorts.
If you’d like to see what we have produced so far, you can visit our website, or search for ‘The Script Department’ where-ever you get your podcasts.
If you like what you hear, you can send a premise or synopsis to and we will get back to you in due course.

German-speaking Screenwriting Research Network

To promote academic screenwriting research in German-speaking countries, four members of the SRN—Jan Henschen, Florian Krauß, Alexandra Ksenofontova, and Claus Tieber—started the Netzwerk Drehbuchforschung in 2018.

The network aims to enable exchange between scholars who focus on screenwriting texts and processes in the German-language context; it further seeks to develop screenwriting research with view to the specifics of the German-speaking academia.

The first one-day conference of the Netzwerk Drehbuchforschung took place in November 2019 in Berlin and brought together over two dozen screenwriting researchers. Information about further events, members of the network, and its goals can be found under