The results are in!
Our esteemed judges, Carmen Sofia Brenes, Lee Kreiner Wilson and Garrabost Jayalakshmi are happy to announce the winners of our Book Awards in 2024. They also added this comment:
“The year 2024 has been remarkably productive in terms of publications, both in books and articles. Selecting the winners was no easy task. We would like to take this opportunity to highlight the transnational and transcultural aspects present in the winning book, as well as in some of the articles submitted for the competition.
As jurors of the SRN Awards, we celebrate the diverse backgrounds of the authors, the variety of topics, and the range of perspectives addressed. After thoroughly reading and evaluating all submissions, we reached a unanimous decision to grant the following awards”
The winning edited book by Rosamund Davies, Paolo Russo and Claus Tieber’s Palgrave Handbook of Screenwriting Studies is described in this way:
‘Bringing together 44 authors, the Palgrave Handbook is, as its preface announces, a comprehensive collection of research that demonstartes the state of the art in a certain field. The editors have successfully compiled a wide range of perspectives and approaches, showcasing the breadth and strength of contemporary screenwriting studies. While the chapters inevitably vary in detail and depth, the book as a whole is undoubtedly a milestone in advancing screenwriting studies research.’
The best journal article went to Gabriel Paletz’s article in Writing sound in the screenplay: traditions and innovations, pp. 61–75. This article is described in this way:
‘This fascinating article challenges the traditional approach of sound being “minimally written or written out” of screenplays, advocating instead for the intentional writing of sound into scripts. This approach could greatly benefit students—one common issue in students of screenwriting is the poor use of sound, and this article offers valuable insights on how to rectify that. It is well-researched and provides practical examples for screenwriting teachers and writers on incorporating music into scripts.’
As well as judging these to be the best book / chapter, the judges wished to acknowledge Margaret McVeigh’s Screenwriting from the Inside Out: Think and Write like a Creative (2023), and James Deaville’s journal article, ‘Writing on screens: (Re-)mediating music and sound through captions’ (2023). These received honourable mentions from the judges.
Inaugural Screenwriting Teaching Innovation Awards 2024
The Judges of the Inaugural Screenwriting Teaching Awards, Rosamund Davies, Ian Macdonald and Anna Weinstein, are pleased to announce the winners for the 2024 Teaching Innovation Awards.
Armando Fumagalli, of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Milan, won our inaugural teaching innovation award for establishing the ‘Director of the Master in International Screenwriting and Production (MISP)’ course at his university.
Dee Hughes, at Bournemouth University, also won an award for applying ‘Team-based learning (TBL) to screenwriting instruction’.
The Awards were presented in person at the annual 15th International Conference of the Screenwriting Research Network in Olomouc in the Czechia on Friday 13th September.
Congratulations to all winners!

SRN Awards 2024
The SRN AWARDS will celebrate the 5th edition at the 2024 Conference in the Czech Republic this September 2024.
We invite all members and colleagues to submit Nominations for the best publications of 2023/2024 by the new deadline of 15 July 2024 for articles published between 1 June 2023 & 31 May 2024.Both nominations and self-nominations are welcome. Winners will be announced at the 2024 SRN Conference in the Czech Republic.
The Awards this year will be again in two categories:
Best Monograph – for single-authored or co-authored volumes (any format)
Best Journal Article/Book Chapter – Both articles and chapters normally range around 6-8,000 words but the format may vary.
While no ratings of journals/publishers will be a factor in the evaluation of submissions, all publications should be scholarly, fully peer-reviewed work underpinned by substantial research specifically in the area of Screenwriting Studies. Submitted titles must have been published between 1 June 2022 & 31 May 2024.
Guidelines for the submission of nominations:
All submissions in both categories should be made directly to all the members of the Jury (see contact details below) by 15 July 2024. However, early submissions are most welcome and encouraged.
MONOGRAPHS – Nominees and self-nominees should send hard copies of their monographs directly to each Juror via regular mail/courier. Publishers are usually happy to supply complimentary evaluation/inspection copies: only where this is really not possible (including, for instance, volumes due out very close to the deadline), authors can send a PDF copy of the approved preprint manuscript (in this case via email) as a backup option.
ARTICLES/CHAPTERS – Individual journal articles (i.e. not the whole journal) or chapters (i.e. not the whole book) should be sent as PDF (as per preprint approved draft) directly to each of the Jurors via email.
All submissions will be evaluated independently by our Jury of distinguished academics:
Professor Carmen Sofia Brenes
Leslie Kreiner Wilson
Garrabost Jayalakshmi
If you have any enquiries, please contact Rosanne Welch