Monday, January 15, 2024
7am Los Angeles (now in Daylight Savings)
Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG). ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM)
- Apologies / Take group photo
- Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (November)
–LG approves, IGA seconds
- ECR position update after the AGM: Meeting Marco Ianniello, recommended by Craig Batty.
–RW reports that she is still waiting to hear back from Dr. Ianniello.
- Choose new day of the week to be adjusted for Spring Semester change Feb. 19, March 18, April 22, May 20, June 17, July 22, Aug. 19, Sept. 13 (in person at SRN2024).
–Moved to Tuesday mornings same time (see below).
- JC: Update on SRN2024! Also — Newsletter suggestions for future issues? (Announce Teaching Award). Next release date to prep?
–JC reports that we should send additions to the newsletter by Feb 11. RW suggests announcing new books in the newsletter. LG notes that he recently translated Steven Maras’s book into Romanian. AW notes her new book. Both will email LG.
- AW/RW: Discuss response to Statement regarding Oxford Brookes slashing of Arts and Humanities programs as endemic of international issue effecting many SRN colleagues. Will be sending letter out next week.
–RW updates group on status of Paolo Russo’s situation at Oxford Brookes. More than 100 signatures on the email attachment. Russo suggests to wait until January 23 for RW to send the email to his school director.
- RW: Update on Awards: Teaching Award approved at AGM. Need 2 Judges (Ian MacDonald accepted, Anna Weinstein accepted – Steven Maras asked by LG/ he declined. RW asked Rosamund Davies who said Yes. RW sent info out to listserve 12/20/23. STILL NEED 1 new Book/Monograph Award Judge (Carmen staying, Leslie Kreiner Wilson of Pepperdine University joining) –other Suggestions or RW will reach out to previous Book winners?
–RW notes that she will reach out to previous winners.
- IG: Continued discussion of suggestions from Membership Survey- prepare email for members on Top 5-10 suggestions and how they are being addressed.
–IG reports on several new suggestions: for online workshops, different dates for the conference, opportunities for screenwriters to give one another constructive feedback, the role of AI in screenwriting; RW suggests a roundtable at the Sept ’24 conference; JC says that there will be at least one panel on AI based on the abstracts. IG reports on another suggestion about bridging professional screenwriters with screenwriting in academia. RW suggests that we brings these suggestions to the meeting at the next conference to get members involved in leadership roles.
- CM: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and possible conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
–Will wait for CM’s report at the Feb meeting.
- RF: Thanks to Rose for adding the international list of Writers Guilds to the webpage of Website. Also, adding a tab for official photos from conferences? NEW IDEAS: Post list of members produced credits? Collect e-booklets of abstracts from each conference to post on website?
–Will revisit with RF’s report at the Feb meeting.
- RW – Can someone take over the list of all the books mentioned in the December listserve email about books to use in classes? We could add that to the website. Camila C A Agustini alredy did: “I copied all the suggestions from this list in a Google Document:
–AW will clean up the list for RF for the website.
- RF: SRN Conversation #3 now on YouTube – need someone to organize Converation #4 with Kerstin (since she was sick) and who else?
–Will revisit at the Feb meeting when RF is present.
- AI statement wording to post on website?
–Will revisit at the Feb meeting when all are present.
- RW: Start conversation on Succession planning/encouraging more members to run for EC. Ask each EC member to suggest two academics from their home countries / related countries to consider running to have a bigger pool we can consider.
–Will revisit at the Feb meeting when all are present.
- Working Group Update: Invite group leaders to next meeting for updates?
–EC agrees to invite them to the March 19 meeting.
- Other business
Date of next meeting(s): Tuesdays same time – Feb. 20, March 19, April 23, May 21, June 18, July 23, Aug. 20, Sept. 13 (in person at SRN2024).