​As we plan for our next annual conference, this is a Call for Nominations to the SRN Executive Council. At the next AGM, several members will be elected to fill the expected vacancies and will serve for two academic years. The AGM will be held in September 2024 during the conference in Olomouc. (The exact date and time of the AGM is forthcoming.)
In order to stand for election: 
– Find two SRN members (a Proposer and a Seconder) who are willing to support your nomination. (You can be your own proposer.)
– You, your proposer, and seconder should be “members in good standing,” which means you must have formally signed up to the SRN at least one year ago – before 18 June 2023.
– Draft a Statement (max 250 words) to support your nomination. This typically includes a short bio and/or info about you, your main interests, your participation in the SRN, and why you wish to stand for election.
– You or your Proposer must submit the statement in support of your nomination to the Secretary of the Executive Council, Anna Weinstein, at least four weeks before the date of the election. To simplify the process this year, we suggest that you submit your nomination by August 1, 2024. Email: OR
If you are new to the SRN and do not yet know a member to ask to second your nomination, contact the Membership and Inclusion officer who can tell you the date you subscribed and is happy to second nominations for those genuinely interested in furthering the aims of the SRN as part of the Executive Council.
Once all nominations have been received and all “good standing” status confirmed: 
– The Secretary will make all nominations and statements available to the Membership no later than fourteen days before the date of the election (in early September).
– If nominations exceed vacancies, there shall be an election by secret ballot.
– From then on, all proceedings (including ballots, management of the election if held, and appointment of new members of the EC) will be impartially overseen by two Scrutineers, independent from the Executive Council.
– The results of the Elections will be announced at the close of the AGM and, subsequently, via our usual communications outlets (i.e., Jiscmail mailing list, SRN website and Facebook page).
Please consider standing for election! We can assure you it is a very pleasurable task, involving monthly chats online with lovely colleagues and light duties! You can get a sense of the roles on the Executive Council and what they entail by checking out the current members’ bios:
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Executive Council Secretary or any current or past member.
Your SRN Executive Council