Tuesday, May 21,2024
Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG). ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM)
- Apologies / Take group photo
- Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (April)
–LG approves; RF seconds
- JC: Update on SRN2024. Reminder to all EC members to pay registration – soon and begin booking travel. Discussion of who is staying where and what will be a good EC meeting day during conference. Jan’s report “- Conference – I have been a bit bogged down in preparations over the last few weeks due to end of semester obligations. We have exams this week, so we will start to focus more on the conference again at the end of May at the latest. Some of the things that have happened in the last few weeks include a) the payment gateway is up and running and fees are coming in, b) we received a grant from the Czech Film Fund which will allow us to involve the Czech National Film Archive and the Czech Screenwriters Association in the conference, c) we have lunches arranged for the participants and are working on arranging coffee breaks. For the near future, we expect to a) publish all accepted proposals on the website, b) open a payment gateway for the conference dinner.”
- JC: Newsletter Update – “- Newsletter – will go out in June. If you have any information, please send it to me by the end of May.” Suggestions for future issues?
- RW: EC meeting switch back to Mondays for June/August?
–All agree to switch to Mondays.
- IG: presentation of email for members on Top 5-10 suggestions/how they are being addressed from Membership Survey. For listserve and also AGM.
–IG shares a document that she created in Spanish for an SRN member who needed certification of her participation in SRN. IG suggests that we create a folder with this type of documentation in case other members need something similar. RW says this is an excellent idea as she has already been holding onto important files like this. RF will share access to the Google drive.
–IG shares the document she created for SRN membership to ask for volunteers for EC service opportunities, including online roles, working group roles, and other roles. RW suggests that we have interested members reach out to RW or AW if interested. AW suggests that we add to the next newsletter. RF offers to put it on the SRN website as well.
- LG/RF: SRN Conversation #4 progress: Potsdam, London (& Leeds?) Need one done in the next month/6 weeks.
–LG updates that he has been speaking to Adam Ganz, also had suggestions for Steven Price, Rosamund Davies, and Jill Nelmes. He thinks four will be too many for one interview. RW thinks Rosamund would likely be interested, so perhaps Adam and Rosamund for this summer’s interviews. RF thinks more would be better, more perspectives and more on screen. LG will follow up with AG and others to plan this summer’s interview.
- CM: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and possible conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
— CM shares that she cannot speak with the professor who will be helping with her conference right now because the faculty is on strike, but she has already spoken with him and he’s very interested. She will have more updates next month.
- RW: Upcoming Elections: Role descriptions from Rose posted. Roman Turina planning to run for EC. ECR position update: Asked Anubha Yadov (too busy with dissertation). CM reports that Hugo Armando Arcinega with be joining as ECR; currently studying our social media posts and will join us at the next meeting. Rose contacted Steven Maras who suggested: Joachim Strand.
–RW asks whether we should have two ECRs or ask Joachim if he would like to join next year. RF thinks this is a good idea – one additional ECR working with CM is best for now. RW says since CM will run for the full EC for next year, she would step off the ECR role. As of now, CM and Romana Turina intend to run; RW will also rerun but not to as chair, rather to serve as succession to help the new chair. RF would like to stay one more year to help the next web person, asks if she needs to officially run. AW says she too will stay another year as needed to help the next secretary but will not rerun, rather stay on in the capacity of Teaching Innovation Award judge. IGA clarifies that we might have an official call for EC members in June with an August deadline as we did last year.
- ALL: Election planning for 2025 – who needs to run again/how do we encourage more involvement in EC? AW – schedule email about running for positions in EC with stress on web management. Ask each EC member to suggest two academics from their home countries / related countries to consider running to have a bigger pool for voting.
- AW – Teaching Awards – May 1st is deadline – give 2 more weeks.
–AW shares that they have received six or so applications. The awards committee will meet twice to review and discuss applicants. AW will email applicants to suggest that they send along any missing materials within the week.
- RW – Book awards Update: From Carmen Sofia Brenes: “We have received one chapter and five books. Re the articles and books, my colleagues and I think that we received enough books, but it would be great if more submissions of articles and Chapters can still come.”– so let’s repost about the Awards – All submissions in both categories should be made directly to all the members of the Jury (see contact details below) by 15 July 2024.
- AW/RF – Took over the list of all the books mentioned in the December listserve email about books to use in classes? Add that to the website. Build off of Camila C A Agustini: “I copied all the suggestions from this list in a Google Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BTjkzeZ_OYCMJCaaABAO0SJbFvTPJt-tT9IakIUiA18/edit –Also, Update on collecting e-booklets of abstracts from each conference to post on website?
–RF added these to the website, as well as other terrific resources. To access the booklist, members navigate to the Resources tab, then Links, and then: “The list of Storytelling Academic Books recommended by SRN Members is here: Storytelling Academic Books.”
- RF – Where are we at with Leeds listserve dropping people? “You have been automatically removed from the SCREENWRITING-RESEARCH-NETWORK list (Screenwriting Research Network) as a result of repeated delivery error reports from your mail system.
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– Since then, a total of 5 delivery errors have been received.
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–RF has no updates on this problem this month.
- JC: Any updates on Heidi Philipsen international project? “- The Heidi Philipsen project is still in the evaluation process at this time. European projects are assessed sometimes for more than half a year, so it may still take some time. Heidi should be attending a conference in Olomouc and by then there should be clarity on funding, so this may be an opportunity to discuss the details of the collaboration directly with her as PI. However, it is still the case that the SRN and the newly formed working group should serve as a platform for testing and disseminating the software (and ideas) of sustained screenwriting.”
- Start conversation on Succession planning/new ideas for EC. Good to invite Working group leaders every few months
–RW says we should discuss in June how we run elections for EC members who are willing to serve in the capacity of assisting those newly appointed.
- The EC should consider creating a small FAQ to keep this institutional memory available for future conference organizers.
Date of next meeting(s): Mondays same time –June 17, July 22 (off), Aug. 19, Sept. 12 (in person at SRN2024).