Executive Council Meeting – August 2024

Here’s the screenshot from our last EC Meeting held on 22nd August:

L to R: Rosanne Welch (Chair), Clarissa Miranda (to be new Web Coordinator), Anna Weinstein (Secretary), Bottom L to R: Rose Ferrell (Web Coordinator), Lucian Georgescu (Conversations Coordinator), Hugo Arciniegas (Early Career Representative).

SRN Executive Minutes – July 2024


Monday, July 22, 2024

Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG).  ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM), Hugo Armando Arcinega (HA)

  1. Apologies


  1. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (April)

    –LG approves, JC seconds.


  1. JC: Update on SRN2024. Plus discuss things related to public transport in the Czech Republic? As well as the best ways to get from Prague to Olomouc, and other practical questions for travellers.

    –JC says it’s 2 ½ hour bus from the Prague airport to conference. Airport Express: https://www.cd.cz/dalsi-sluzby/navazna-doprava/-26856/ Three train co: RegioJet, Leo Express, České dráhy. JC recommends trains rather than buses.


  1. JC: Newsletter Update – – Newsletter – went out in June. Compliments on completing in in the midst of conference planning. Suggestions for future issues (Announce new Working Groups and leaders)

    –JC updates that the deadline will be the first week of Sept.


  1. AW: – Election update – applicants/deadline/will we need Scrutineers? “From then on, all proceedings (including ballots, management of the election if held, and appointment of new members of the EC) will be impartially overseen by two Scrutineers, independent from the Executive Council.” RW reminds us that someone has to be chair, and it should be someone already on the EC. She will run for this year just to support the new chair


  1. LG/RF: SRN Conversation #4 progress: London (& Leeds?) Need one done in the next month/6 weeks. Potsdam will be in next set.

    –LG updates that he secured funds to bring a DOP with him with two cameras, working on flights tomorrow, hoping to be in on the 10th or 11th and staying until Sunday. They are looking to have as much material as possible from the conference so they can make a commercial for the conference as well as getting interviews with the EC. He wants to get a list of attendees from Jan. Clarissa has offered to help. He will have a small list of questions for the EC and they will do it documentary style.


  1. RW – Book awards Update – From Carmen Sofia Brenes: “7 articles, 4 book chapters, 7 books”. A question came up about submitting a PhD monograph – the awards require the piece to have been published – but that raised the idea:  “We could have an award for PhD Monographs in the future! It is a way to incentivate the research on the field!”  Other question:  “I wonder if, in future years, we might consider a category for history and a separate one for craft. They’re such different forms…”  Could we do that this year (since there is no monetary award)?.  ALSO, “I like the idea of dividing books into craft and history.  Does this include articles and book chapters please?” BUT also “In my opinion, it is better to remain with two awards. One for books and the other for chapters/articles (without the distinction between craft and history).  At least this year. Otherwise it can be confusing. If the Council decides to give more awards, that can be included in the next call for awards.  I have a slight doubt about the distinction between craft and history: the awards were there to celebrate an outstanding piece of screenwriting research, in any field. Maybe the jurors can decide each year where to put more emphasis.

    –RW updates that they should know by the first week of September. RF recommends that the third judge decides. IGA suggests that one award is enough. Perhaps an honorable mention for the second. AW thinks there is a difference between craft and history books. LC agrees. IGA thinks it would be a good idea to give an award for a dissertation, but the problem is language. RW says that we made the decision in Vienna that the book review has to be in English. JC suggests that


  1. AW – Teaching Awards Update.


  1. RW: Reminds the EC to prepare individual reports for the first week of Aug so she can add to the PowerPoint for the AGM. Planning to have the AGM on the Thursday during conference week, but we can decide at our Aug EC meeting.

    –RW reminds everyone to get their updates by mid-August.


  1. IG: Update on publishing Top 5-10 suggestions/how they are being addressed from Membership Survey to listserve and also AGM. ALSO, Discuss Responses to Call for Volunteers:


A.) Craig Batty’s new Working Group for PhD candidates Description:

Working group name:

Screenwriting PhD Candidate Community


Working group lead and contact details:

Craig Batty, University of South Australia



Working group outline:

This group provides a collegial, creative-critical community for currently enrolled (or about to be enrolled) PhD candidates. Whether you are working on a screenwriting thesis by creative practice, or a more traditional, theoretical thesis, this group provides a safe space for sharing ideas and work in progress, and for seeking and giving advice about the PhD journey. International in nature, the group also builds a cross-cultural, multi-perspective community of emerging scholars and leaders, helping to promote the next generation of screenwriting researchers around the world.


The group is informed by deep expertise in PhD supervision and examination, and a commitment to excellence in research training and researcher development. Group members are invited to come with questions about the PhD, concerns about their candidature, ideas that they want to test out, or simply to listen to where others are at on the journey. As the group establishes itself, guest speakers may be brought in to help members expand their knowledge, experience, and research horizons.


–IGA thinks it’s a great idea. All agree. RW will let Craig know.

B.) AW: meeting with Alessandra Bautze, Georgia State University. (See Addendum with all letters received)

–AW is meeting with her August 6 and will update the EC at the next meeting.

C.) See Addendum with all other volunteer offers – Decide on follow up emails


  1. RF – First – thanks for posting Hugo’s bio to the website. Second, can we consider creating a FAQ on the website that includes these new strains of listserve emails (like the one on books but now there is one on writing on one-act and two-act feature films)? Better than a link to the Google drive???


  1. CM/HA: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

    –CM shares that she is thankful to Hugo for making a lot of posts. She has spoken with the professor and team at Florianópolis, and they are interested in being a part of it. She will have more updates soon. HA offers that he is available for other tasks because the social media posts don’t take a lot of time. RW wonders if he might be able to help with the website. RF says that could be very helpful, even smaller jobs like posting minutes on the website or materials from the working groups.


  1. Take group photo


  1. RF – Brainstorming more uses for SRN YouTube Channel…

    –JC suggests Romana’s videos could be posted on the YouTube. AW suggests that we could have interviews with the book awards winners and the teaching awards winners. LC says we can get the interviews at the Sept conference. RF thinks it’s a great idea and much more engaging.


  1. RF – on GoogleDrive of past conferences /Create Page of Emeritus EC members????

    –All agree this is an excellent idea.


  1. JC: Heide Philipsen project – refection letter not funded – keep on agenda for resubmission next year.


Date of next meeting(s):  Monday same time –Aug. 19, Sept. 12 (in person at SRN2024).




Response from Alessandra Bautze to call for Volunteers:

Alessandra Victoria Bautze abautze@gsu.edu


“I’m writing to express my interest in getting involved in a service opportunity with the Screenwriting Research Network. I joined Georgia State as Assistant Professor of Screenwriting in August 2022. I’d like to get involved with SRN and am eager to meet new colleagues in our field.


I am particularly interested in serving as a “representative or liaison with local writers’ guilds, associations and practitioners”, as coordinator of social/networking events, or as a coordinator of an Online Script Club. I enjoyed meeting representatives of organizations such as the Authors Guild when I was living in New York and now I enjoy maintaining connections with writers residency coordinators. I’m a very social person and have experience planning meetings and meetups. I also think that a monthly script reading event would be a great way to network with colleagues and share ideas.


But of course I am open to serving wherever the need is greatest.


I’d love to speak further at your convenience. Thank you very much for your consideration.




Response from Eugene Doyen to call for Volunteers:


Coordinator – Online Script Club (like a book club, but with scripts!)  Monthly (or bi-monthly) discussion of screenplays.

Queen Mary, University of London


I was fine to attend the Vienna based conference, the US and Olomouc was and is right up against the start of the academic year. I’d be absent for all the final preparations and have three production modules running in the first semester.

I will see if I can summon up the courage to take the risk to attend this fiall. Attending and meeting online to set up teaching would be bad experience. I am going to conference in Gorizia. (I know its not SRN, but I can see some overlap of people.)

In case its helpful I’m fine to convene a group, take turns.



Response from Joachim Strand to call for Volunteers

Joachim Strand <joachim.strand@uwa.edu.au>

I would like to be considered for the Online Script Club Coordinator, because reading scripts is key to becoming a better script writer.

My initial reaction is for a bi-monthly discussion, to allow enough time for people to read, and that the discussion takes the form of a chat forum. While a Zoom discussion would be better, the different time zones we are all in presents a hurdle.

Further to that, I would also like to actively engage in the syllabus development.

Let me know what you think.

Since the responses will be discussed, I thought I’d flesh it out a bit:

Reading and analysing scripts is key to becoming a better script writer, and it is something we are all already doing. But, the option of discussing and sharing our findings, questions, and reflections on the scripts we read is not something that is necessarily available to all of us. Certainly not with a world wide range of skilled professionals.

Therefore I believe that script reading club will be a great opportunity to not only actuate a habit of regular script reading but also advancing an active critical bearing on the script reading process and the on the scripts we read. Not to mention, it is a great way to network and build relationships.

To allow enough time for people to read I feel that a bi-monthly discussion is good, and that the discussion takes the form of a chat forum. While a Zoom discussion would be better, the different time zones we are all in presents a hurdle.

As a first read I would suggest ‘The Man Who Would Be King’ (1974) by John Huston and Gladys Knight. Great link here with lots of info on the film, as well as a link to the script.

Possible discussion points:

– Adaptation

– The literary ‘qualities’ of the often long and winding Action sections, often containing ‘un-filmables’

– Utilisation of sound-symbolism

– Colonial representation

– The use of Voice-Over for narrative and structural purposes (this one is particularly interesting as the VO allows the film to move across time and space, and enables the somewhat circular structure)

And, as mentioned, I would also like to actively engage in the syllabus development.




Response from Paolo Russo to call for Volunteers:

Paolo Russo <paolo.russo@brookes.ac.uk>

Such wonderful ideas, these are!

Given the current and future focus of my research, I will definitely join the working group on AI and screenwriting, albeit just as a member, not as a coordinator (although, once a coordinator is in place, I’d be happy to help in any way). I am presenting on AI in Olomouc and I have quite a few ambitious projects in store on this.

Moreover, I’d be happy to be the SRN liaison with the Writers Guild of Great Britain, of which I am a member. I’ll do my best in trying to get them on board with something, although in these past few years I’ve found that they are not particularly receptive. That said, I know that recently they have launched a survey to map how screenwriting is taught in UK’s higher education establishment, therefore I wanted to push for this anyway, so why not on behalf of the SRN too.



Response from Harvest Bellante to call for Volunteers:

Harvest Bellante hbellante@yahoo.com

(Will not be in Olomouc)

I received this email about service opportunities and I wanted to apply to help.  I would probably be best suited for an online role at this point simply because I just began teaching at a new university in North Carolina and am moving the full time this coming year so it will be a lot of transition.  Any of the coordinator roles that you need filled would be just fine with me. I’m always happy to jump in and help build community.

I have taught screenwriting courses as an adjunct in Norfolk, Virginia since 2013, and as I mentioned, I’ve now been full-time for the past year. Personally, I am thrilled to finally be able to devote myself full-time to the craft and as such, I’d love to connect with more of us out there.

Please let me know if there’s anything you think would be a good fit.

Thank you!

Harvest Bellante


Response from Krystian Ramlogan <krystian.ramlogan@gmail.com>

I would be interested in any of the following roles:


Coordinator – Online Script Club (like a book club, but with scripts!) Monthly (or bi-monthly) discussion of screenplays.

  • I curate as many screenplays as I can yearly and read through as many as I can. I also mentor a few of my former students and we already have monthly meetups (virtually) where we discuss screenplays we’ve read (I chose the screenplay). At this point I have several 100s of screenplays in my google drive, so I could kick things off fairly easily

Coordinator – Create and coordinate a new working group on under-represented voices in Film & TV screenwriting.

  • I’m a minority so I would be interested in working with others on this.

Coordinator – Developing a syllabus for schools / educational programmes on screenwriting and the role of the screenwriter.

  • I do this at Dillard University, and while creating the perfect syllabus may be more aspirational than practical, I’m always seeking out new syllabi and textbooks to learn from and integrate into my practice.
  • I would also love to create some OER “books” moreso handouts that can work with various syllabii – like an intro/level 1 with handouts, intermediate/level 2 with handouts, etc. so basically a comprehensive set of instructional materials that any faculty could use

I am of course interested in working with others/collaborating on any of these or anything else that may come up from the group.


Thank you!





Response from John Weston:

John Weston <john.weston.writing@gmail.com>

I am interested in coordinating either:

— a monthly online script club, or

— underrepresented voices in film & TV screenwriting group

(or sharing both roles with other people)

I am currently working as a freelance writer, communication coach and developmental editor. I have a PhD in sociolinguistics, I’m a qualified high school science teacher, and I now also have a postgraduate diploma in comedy screenwriting with a few BBC radio sketch and joke credits.

I’m interested in reading more scripts, talking to other writers and readers and editors of screenplays, and networking at the interfaces of academia and industry.

I come from a southeast London white working class family, and I am interested in identifying and challenging barriers to diversity and inclusion in film and TV writing and research.

Thanks very much!

Best wishes,

John Weston



Alexis K’s recommendation for a group gathering female professors of screenwriting….


SRN Executive Minutes – June 2024


Monday, June 17,2024

Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG).  ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM), Hugo Armando Arcinega (HA)


  1. Apologies–IGA


  1. Welcome Hugo as Asst. ECR!– Hugo is happy to join and support the organization. RW reminds him to send his photo and bio.


  1. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (April)–RF motions to approve, RW seconds


  1. JC: Update on SRN2024. Reminder to all EC members to pay registration – soon and begin booking travel. Discussion of who is staying where and what will be a good EC meeting day during conference. Jan’s report “- Conference – I have been a bit bogged down in preparations over the last few weeks due to end of semester obligations. We have exams this week, so we will start to focus more on the conference again at the end of May at the latest.


Some of the things that have happened in the last few weeks include a) the payment gateway is up and running and fees are coming in, b) received a grant from the Czech Film Fund which will allow us to involve the Czech National Film Archive and the Czech Screenwriters Association in the conference, c) we have lunches arranged for the participants and are working on arranging coffee breaks.

ALL accepted proposals on the website, b) payment gateway opened for the conference dinner. Venue?

–JC reports that they are still working on funding and programming. Next step will be breaking the papers down into panels. JC reports on four keynote speakers lined up, and two movies for the evening program, which will be good to introduce the film industry. RW asks about purchasing for the conference dinner. JC says payment gateway for the dinner will be out this week or next; will be 45 euros.

—-LG asking about recording the presentations at the conference. LC wants to meet Jan’s colleague so he can find out what she’s planning to do so he can plan for how to help. LC will put them in touch.

–AGM meeting: RW reminds the EC to prepare individual reports for the first week of Aug so she can add to the PowerPoint for the AGM. RW says we’ll likely have the AGM on the Thursday during conference week, but we can decide at our Aug EC meeting.


  1. JC: Newsletter Update – – Newsletter – will go out in June. If you have any information, please send it to me by the end of May. Suggestions for future issues?

–JC says the letter will be ready to go out this week (Wed). Also re Heidi’s proposal: her project is not funded this year from government funding but received high points; she will apply again next year.


  1. JC – Suncana Tuskar email – cover letter attached to Agenda

–JC explains that Tuskar approached him via email; he hasn’t met her before, she wanted to participate in some way. AW will reply via email.

  1. IG: Update on publishing Top 5-10 suggestions/how they are being addressed from Membership Survey to listserve and also AGM.

–Will get update at the Aug meeting.


  1. IG/AW – Response from Craig Batty to call for Volunteers: “I’m not sure if this would be a formal leadership role or not – and honestly, I’m quite stretched for time these days to attend board meetings and suchlike – but I have been thinking about, and have been asked to consider setting up, a regular (maybe monthly or 6-weekly) drop in session/gathering for screenwriting PhD students. As you know, this is a big area of interest for me, and with my colleague over here I set up (in 2020) a similar online ‘hangout’ for creative writing PhD students. I’d say around 30 people have gone through this ‘support group’ now.

I regularly have PhD students from around the world, particularly the creative PhD students, writing to me to ask for advice. And I recently did a seminar for Romana Turina on the topic, which garnered interest. So I thought it was time to collect all of these people and queries into one international drop-in session (which over time could invite guest speakers, students presenting, etc.). I would run the group – and a colleague of mine over here, in creative writing and journalism (she currently runs the other one for Australian creative writing candidates), has offered to run it with me – we have both supervised many PhDs together and spark off each other well. It would be for PhD students only, not their supervisors, as they need a safe space to talk about what’s going on for them.”

–ALL agree this is an excellent idea/opportunity. RW will follow up with Craig.

  1. IG Membership thoughts – re: Kath Dooley’s suggestion of new ECR and RW’s suggestion of emailing our own networks to encourage new members.

–RW asks us to remind colleagues about joining the SRN. All agree.


  1. LG/RF: SRN Conversation #4 progress: Potsdam, London (& Leeds?) Need one done in the next month/6 weeks.–LG reports that it’s been challenging with so many people, been trying to get everyone together. They plan to have a conversation mid-July. Will have more to report at the Aug meeting.


  1. CM: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and possible conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

–CM is waiting to hear about the location, nobody will talk during the strike. Should have more details soon. (Profa. Dra. Gláucia Davino) Re social media, CM updates that she and Hugo are working together to prepare the posts.


  1. ALL: Election planning for 2025 – who needs to run again/how do we encourage more involvement in EC? AW – will/has email about running for positions in EC with stress on web management. Ask each EC member to suggest two academics from their home countries / related countries to consider running to have a bigger pool for voting.

–RF reminds us about Sandy Cameron from Australia, interested in running for the EC. RF says she will share his email with everyone on the EC. AW will send out a note today with an August 1st deadline. AW will not run for the EC again but will remain on the Teaching Innovation Award committee. LG has one more year, RW and RF will run again for another year. RW reminds us that someone has to be chair, and it shouldn’t be someone brand new. She will run for this year just to support the new chair (which should be someone already on the EC).


  1. AW – Teaching Awards – May 1st is deadline – Update on when decision expected?

–AW reports that she, Ian, and Ros met early June to discuss applications and firm up criteria; will review independently and meet again early July to make decisions. AW will email applicants July 15 to notify whether they are awarded. Announcement will be made at the Sept conference, followed by an email announcement to the membership. All agree that AW should ask the winners not to share the news publicly until after the Sept announcement.


  1. Take group photo


  1. RW – Book awards Update: Emailed for more article submissions – Paolo Russo nudged contributors to collection to submit. All submissions in both categories should be made directly to all the members of the Jury (see contact details below) by 15 July 2024. One new article came to judges.


  1. Start conversation on Succession planning/new ideas for EC. Good to invite Working group leaders every few months. Create a small FAQ to keep this institutional memory available for future conference organizers.

–RF reports re folders for the past conferences, photos and books of abstracts; Google drive, she sent an email with the link and password; drive has the documents and the photo app has the photos. She has set up the folders for each year. Reminder to sign out completely once we log out.


  1. Shall EC meet in July – optional for those who are free? August mtg will be to collect info to prepare AGM presentation.

–Group decides to meet July 22.


Date of next meeting(s):  Mondays same time –July 22, Aug. 19, Sept. 12 (in person at SRN2024).



​As we plan for our next annual conference, this is a Call for Nominations to the SRN Executive Council. At the next AGM, several members will be elected to fill the expected vacancies and will serve for two academic years. The AGM will be held in September 2024 during the conference in Olomouc. (The exact date and time of the AGM is forthcoming.)
In order to stand for election: 
– Find two SRN members (a Proposer and a Seconder) who are willing to support your nomination. (You can be your own proposer.)
– You, your proposer, and seconder should be “members in good standing,” which means you must have formally signed up to the SRN at least one year ago – before 18 June 2023.
– Draft a Statement (max 250 words) to support your nomination. This typically includes a short bio and/or info about you, your main interests, your participation in the SRN, and why you wish to stand for election.
– You or your Proposer must submit the statement in support of your nomination to the Secretary of the Executive Council, Anna Weinstein, at least four weeks before the date of the election. To simplify the process this year, we suggest that you submit your nomination by August 1, 2024. Email: annaweinstein@hotmail.com OR aweinst6@kennesaw.edu.
If you are new to the SRN and do not yet know a member to ask to second your nomination, contact the Membership and Inclusion officer who can tell you the date you subscribed and is happy to second nominations for those genuinely interested in furthering the aims of the SRN as part of the Executive Council.
Once all nominations have been received and all “good standing” status confirmed: 
– The Secretary will make all nominations and statements available to the Membership no later than fourteen days before the date of the election (in early September).
– If nominations exceed vacancies, there shall be an election by secret ballot.
– From then on, all proceedings (including ballots, management of the election if held, and appointment of new members of the EC) will be impartially overseen by two Scrutineers, independent from the Executive Council.
– The results of the Elections will be announced at the close of the AGM and, subsequently, via our usual communications outlets (i.e., Jiscmail mailing list, SRN website and Facebook page).
Please consider standing for election! We can assure you it is a very pleasurable task, involving monthly chats online with lovely colleagues and light duties! You can get a sense of the roles on the Executive Council and what they entail by checking out the current members’ bios:
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Executive Council Secretary or any current or past member.
Your SRN Executive Council

SRN Executive Minutes – May 2024


Tuesday, May 21,2024

Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG).  ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM)


  1. Apologies / Take group photo


  1. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (April)

    –LG approves; RF seconds


  1. JC: Update on SRN2024. Reminder to all EC members to pay registration – soon and begin booking travel. Discussion of who is staying where and what will be a good EC meeting day during conference. Jan’s report “- Conference – I have been a bit bogged down in preparations over the last few weeks due to end of semester obligations. We have exams this week, so we will start to focus more on the conference again at the end of May at the latest. Some of the things that have happened in the last few weeks include a) the payment gateway is up and running and fees are coming in, b) we received a grant from the Czech Film Fund which will allow us to involve the Czech National Film Archive and the Czech Screenwriters Association in the conference, c) we have lunches arranged for the participants and are working on arranging coffee breaks. For the near future, we expect to a) publish all accepted proposals on the website, b) open a payment gateway for the conference dinner.”


  1. JC: Newsletter Update – “- Newsletter – will go out in June. If you have any information, please send it to me by the end of May.” Suggestions for future issues?


  1. RW: EC meeting switch back to Mondays for June/August?

    –All agree to switch to Mondays.


  1. IG: presentation of email for members on Top 5-10 suggestions/how they are being addressed from Membership Survey. For listserve and also AGM.

    –IG shares a document that she created in Spanish for an SRN member who needed certification of her participation in SRN. IG suggests that we create a folder with this type of documentation in case other members need something similar. RW says this is an excellent idea as she has already been holding onto important files like this. RF will share access to the Google drive.


–IG shares the document she created for SRN membership to ask for volunteers for EC service opportunities, including online roles, working group roles, and other roles. RW suggests that we have interested members reach out to RW or AW if interested. AW suggests that we add to the next newsletter. RF offers to put it on the SRN website as well.


  1. LG/RF: SRN Conversation #4 progress: Potsdam, London (& Leeds?) Need one done in the next month/6 weeks.

    –LG updates that he has been speaking to Adam Ganz, also had suggestions for Steven Price, Rosamund Davies, and Jill Nelmes. He thinks four will be too many for one interview. RW thinks Rosamund would likely be interested, so perhaps Adam and Rosamund for this summer’s interviews. RF thinks more would be better, more perspectives and more on screen. LG will follow up with AG and others to plan this summer’s interview.


  1. CM: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and possible conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

    — CM shares that she cannot speak with the professor who will be helping with her conference right now because the faculty is on strike, but she has already spoken with him and he’s very interested. She will have more updates next month.


  1. RW: Upcoming Elections: Role descriptions from Rose posted. Roman Turina planning to run for EC.  ECR position update: Asked Anubha Yadov (too busy with dissertation).  CM reports that Hugo Armando Arcinega with be joining as ECR; currently studying our social media posts and will join us at the next meeting. Rose contacted Steven Maras who suggested: Joachim Strand.

    –RW asks whether we should have two ECRs or ask Joachim if he would like to join next year. RF thinks this is a good idea – one additional ECR working with CM is best for now. RW says since CM will run for the full EC for next year, she would step off the ECR role. As of now, CM and Romana Turina intend to run; RW will also rerun but not to as chair, rather to serve as succession to help the new chair. RF would like to stay one more year to help the next web person, asks if she needs to officially run. AW says she too will stay another year as needed to help the next secretary but will not rerun, rather stay on in the capacity of Teaching Innovation Award judge. IGA clarifies that we might have an official call for EC members in June with an August deadline as we did last year.


  1. ALL: Election planning for 2025 – who needs to run again/how do we encourage more involvement in EC? AW – schedule email about running for positions in EC with stress on web management. Ask each EC member to suggest two academics from their home countries / related countries to consider running to have a bigger pool for voting.


  1. AW – Teaching Awards – May 1st is deadline – give 2 more weeks.

–AW shares that they have received six or so applications. The awards committee will meet twice to review and discuss applicants. AW will email applicants to suggest that they send along any missing materials within the week.


  1. RW – Book awards Update: From Carmen Sofia Brenes: “We have received one chapter and five books. Re the articles and books, my colleagues and I think that we received enough books, but it would be great if more submissions of articles and Chapters can still come.”– so let’s repost about the Awards – All submissions in both categories should be made directly to all the members of the Jury (see contact details below) by 15 July 2024.


  1. AW/RF – Took over the list of all the books mentioned in the December listserve email about books to use in classes? Add that to the website. Build off of Camila C A Agustini: “I copied all the suggestions from this list in a Google Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BTjkzeZ_OYCMJCaaABAO0SJbFvTPJt-tT9IakIUiA18/edit –Also, Update on collecting e-booklets of abstracts from each conference to post on website?


–RF added these to the website, as well as other terrific resources. To access the booklist, members navigate to the Resources tab, then Links, and then: “The list of Storytelling Academic Books recommended by SRN  Members is here: Storytelling Academic Books.”


  1. RF – Where are we at with Leeds listserve dropping people? “You have been automatically removed from the SCREENWRITING-RESEARCH-NETWORK list (Screenwriting Research Network) as a result of repeated delivery error reports from your mail system.

This decision was based on the list’s automatic error monitoring policy and
has not been reviewed or otherwise confirmed by a person. If you receive
this message, then it means that something is wrong. While you are
obviously able to receive mail, your mail system has been regularly
reporting that your account did not exist, or that you were otherwise
permanently unable to receive mail. Here is some information that may
assist you or your local help desk in determining the cause of the
– The failing address is [left blank]
– The first error was reported on 2024-03-21.
– Since then, a total of 5 delivery errors have been received.
– The last reported error was: 5.0.0 550 Rejected – Content Policy
Please do not ignore this message. While you can re-subscribe to the
list, it is important for you to report this problem to your mail
administrator so that it can be solved. This problem is not specific to
the SCREENWRITING-RESEARCH-NETWORK list and may also affect your private mail. This means that you may have lost some private mail as well. Anyone trying to write to you during the same time frame might have received the same errors for the same reason

–RF has no updates on this problem this month.


  1. JC: Any updates on Heidi Philipsen international project? “- The Heidi Philipsen project is still in the evaluation process at this time. European projects are assessed sometimes for more than half a year, so it may still take some time. Heidi should be attending a conference in Olomouc and by then there should be clarity on funding, so this may be an opportunity to discuss the details of the collaboration directly with her as PI. However, it is still the case that the SRN and the newly formed working group should serve as a platform for testing and disseminating the software (and ideas) of sustained screenwriting.”


  1. Start conversation on Succession planning/new ideas for EC. Good to invite Working group leaders every few months

    –RW says we should discuss in June how we run elections for EC members who are willing to serve in the capacity of assisting those newly appointed.


  1. The EC should consider creating a small FAQ to keep this institutional memory available for future conference organizers.


Date of next meeting(s):  Mondays same time –June 17, July 22 (off), Aug. 19, Sept. 12 (in person at SRN2024).


SRN Executive Minutes – April 2024


Tuesday, April 23,2024

Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG).  ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM)


  1. Apologies / Take group photo–JC


  1. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (February)–LG approves, RW seconds


  1. JC: Update on SRN2024. Reminder to all EC members to pay registration – soon. J–We will return to this at the May meeting.


  1. JC: Newsletter Update – thanks for the latest issue – next deadline? Suggestions for future issues?


  1. ECR position update after the AGM: Matt Kirton, Lecturer in Creative Writing, DMU–RW reports that the gentleman who was considering the position hasn’t gotten back to her. RW asks that we all think about who we know that could be a good candidate. RW and RF suggest that a member with a PhD or MFA would work for the position. CM suggests that Diego’s new MFA program might be a good starting place to find a candidate. IGA suggests that we consider sending out an announcement to the listserve.


  1. IG: presentation of email for members on Top 5-10 suggestions/how they are being addressed from Membership Survey. For listserve and also AGM.

–IGA has had a busy month, but she will work on the suggestions this month.


  1. CM: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and possible conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

–CM reports that she is scheduling a team with the university mid-May. She will have an update next month. She has been exchanging emails with the screenwriter that they are hoping to bring.


  1. LG/RF: SRN Conversation #4 progress: Potsdam, London (& Leeds?)

–LG reports that RF has done a terrific job. The list includes Kerstin Stutterheim, Adam Ganz, and Ian Macdonald. At this point, they are working on timing. LG asks if a 1:1 with Adam would be a good idea. RW says 1:1 confirms this is a good idea, but the conference oral histories need to have at least 2-3 interviewees. 1:1 with founding members is a terrific idea for additional oral histories. RF suggests Steven Price and Rosalie Davies as the second and third potential interviews for the summer or at the conference.


  1. RF – Where are we at with Leeds listserve dropping people? “You have been automatically removed from the SCREENWRITING-RESEARCH-NETWORK list (Screenwriting Research Network) as a result of repeated delivery error reports from your mail system.

This decision was based on the list’s automatic error monitoring policy and
has not been reviewed or otherwise confirmed by a person. If you receive
this message, then it means that something is wrong. While you are
obviously able to receive mail, your mail system has been regularly
reporting that your account did not exist, or that you were otherwise
permanently unable to receive mail. Here is some information that may
assist you or your local help desk in determining the cause of the
– The failing address is [left blank]
– The first error was reported on 2024-03-21.
– Since then, a total of 5 delivery errors have been received.
– The last reported error was: 5.0.0 550 Rejected – Content Policy
Please do not ignore this message. While you can re-subscribe to the
list, it is important for you to report this problem to your mail
administrator so that it can be solved. This problem is not specific to
the SCREENWRITING-RESEARCH-NETWORK list and may also affect your private mail. This means that you may have lost some private mail as well. Anyone trying to write to you during the same time frame might have received the same errors for the same reason

–RF reports that she followed up with Leeds, and they are not finding anything wrong technically. RF thinks it’s an AI problem. IGA suggests that it might the user’s email server.


  1. AW/RF – Took over the list of all the books mentioned in the December listserve email about books to use in classes? Add that to the website. Build off of Camila C A Agustini: “I copied all the suggestions from this list in a Google Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BTjkzeZ_OYCMJCaaABAO0SJbFvTPJt-tT9IakIUiA18/edit –Also, Update on collecting e-booklets of abstracts from each conference to post on website?–RF hasn’t had a chance to find and compile the abstracts, but she will work on that in the coming months. RF asks that we all send her materials that we have.


  1. ALL: Election planning for 2025 – who needs to run again/how do we encourage more involvement in EC? AW – schedule email about running for positions in EC with stress on web management. . Ask each EC member to suggest two academics from their home countries / related countries to consider running to have a bigger pool for voting.

–RW suggests that we include the invitation for the ECR to this email. LG suggests that we write a brief description of the role. RF reminds us that she wrote brief descriptions of the different positions on the board. We will all review and add any additions/changes.


  1. JC: Any updates on Heidi Philipsen international project?–We will return to this at the May meeting.


  1. Start conversation on Succession planning–We will return to this at the May meeting.


  1. The EC should consider creating a small FAQ to keep this institutional memory available for future conference organizers.


  1. Other business – RW giving Comparative Screenwriting lecture tomorrow (Wed, April 28 at 10am Los Angeles time)–AW reminds EC about Teaching Innovation Awards. Already have several submissions with emails from members saying they intend to submit. All agree we should extend deadline to May 15, and AW should send out one more announcement.


Date of next meeting(s):  Tuesdays same time – May 21, June 18, July 23, Aug. 20, Sept. 13 (in person at SRN2024).


SRN Executive Minutes – March 2024

SRN Executive Council Meeting

(via Zoom)

Tuesday, March 19,2024 (Happy St. Joseph’s Day in Italy!)


7am Los Angeles (Daylight Savings Time has Begun in the U.S.)


Visiting Working Group Chairs

Chris Neilan

Romana Turina

Maxine Gee


Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG).  ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM)


  1. Apologies / Take group photo


  1. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (February)–RF approves, AW seconds


  1. AW/RW: Beginning with the Good news from Dr. Russo on the Statement regarding Oxford Brookes slashing of Arts and Humanities programs! (Add his letter into the Minutes)–See below for attached letter from Dr. Russo to SRN membership.


  1. Working Group Update from Romana Turina, Chris Neilan, Maxine Gee.

–Comparative Screenwriting Working Group: Romana shares that they have had 10 sessions so far, currently working on the 11th. Five to 10 people attend each session, with another 20 viewing the videos each month. Romana and Paolo will be writing a statement (hoping to include in the journal) on the field of comparative screenwriting and what it means. Romana has also been working with a colleague on a book concept on comparative screenwriting. RF asks whether we can include a link to the comparative writing seminars on the YouTube site. Romana would appreciate that. Max asks about time zones and what has been working best. 10am LA/6pm UK but will be shifting it to accommodate scholars from Australia as well.

–Romina has an event in Italy in July and wondering about supplementary funding for bags etc and use of the SRN logo for her event. RW says no problem to use logo but no funding available unfortunately, as SRN doesn’t charge membership fees.


–Practice-led/Based Working Group: Max updates that they are figuring out the scripts they will run for the table reads at the Sept conference. She and Jan have been exchanging emails about how to set it up. Deciding whether/how to collaborate with Czech actors or screenwriting students for the table reads. JC has connections; he and Max will connect offline to discuss. Max is working on a virtual work-in-progress table read session, possibly in May, aiming to host over two days so it’s useful to colleagues in Australia and UK.


–Max shares that she is part of Bridging Responsible AI Divides (BRIDGE) – concerning the responsible integration of AI into script production. Max wonders if the EC would like to have a one-off online session to gather viewpoints from colleagues so we can record it and categorize it. JC offers that there will be two AI panels at the conference in Sept. RF suggests that a pre-conference virtual workshop/panel (over the summer) will be useful to SRN members, possibly inviting AI experts to share their perspective/opportunities for ethical integration of AI in screenwriting. AW suggests that a focus on working with students/teaching would be useful, particularly as faculty are prepping their syllabi for the fall. Max agrees to facilitate this.


–Creative Play Working Group: Chris updates that though the group started out strong with many people wanting to attend and run the sessions, 7-10 people in the first two sessions, the third session had only one attendee (end of January). He is working on the next session for the end of April. RW and RF suggest that he use social media and the listserve to get the message out. CM offers that she can post about it on Instagram and FB; she would just need some details from Chris. IG suggests that we include in the newsletter a reminder about the current working groups and opportunities for getting involved. RW agrees that this is a good idea. Chris asks whether he could come up with a panel for the conference. JC says there is room for his working group at the conference. They will connect offline.


  1. ECR position update after the AGM: Matt Kirton, Lecturer in Creative Writing, DMU is emailing offline with Clarissa about the work load OR we could ask book reviewer: Amanda Allen <aj_allen@live.com> (finishing my PhD at Falmouth, UK.


  1. JC: Heidi Philipsen from Denmark is preparing a big international project and would like to include SRN. It could be done through a working group (which would have to be set up after a discussion with the EC…Discussion tabled to next meeting.


  1. JC: Update on SRN2024!–JC updates that they are working on the payment gateway for conference participants. They are keeping the payment to $120 / 100 euros. Waiting on money from the Czech Film Fund, hoping to hear back soon.
    –LG asks about cameras to record the sessions. JC says it’s a possibility. LG says if he has some budget funds he will bring a camera person, so they should discuss offline. RW says she was hoping to do that for the Missouri conference but it was difficult to getting enough student volunteers. She thinks it’s an excellent idea but a lot of work. JC suggests that he would first ask all of the participants if they are interested in being recorded. LG clarifies that he meant a mini-documentary rather than recording individual papers. The EC agrees that this would be an excellent idea — great to include on the YouTube channel. IG suggests that we ensure we have permissions in place from anyone in the video.


  1. JC – Newsletter Update – thanks for the latest issue – next deadline? Suggestions for future issues?–JC shares that end of May is the next deadline.


  1. IG: presentation of email for members on Top 5-10 suggestions/how they are being addressed from Membership Survey. For listserve and also AGM.–IG organized suggestions from SRN membership. The most requests had to with screenwriting discussion and feedback. She has created a list of volunteer coordinator opportunities that we can send out via the listserve or newsletter. One suggestion included an online discussion forum. Though this would be more challenging/time-consuming to coordinate, the EC agrees that it’s worth putting out the ask in case an SRN member is interested in facilitating.


  1. CM: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and possible conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.–To discuss at next meeting


  1. LG/RF: SRN Conversation #4 progress: Potsdam, London (& Leeds?)–IG agrees with LG’s ideas detailed in his email. LG will meet with RF offline and send an update to the EC.


  1. AW/RF – Took over the list of all the books mentioned in the December listserve email about books to use in classes? Add that to the website. Build off of Camila C A Agustini: “I copied all the suggestions from this list in a Google Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BTjkzeZ_OYCMJCaaABAO0SJbFvTPJt-tT9IakIUiA18/edit –Also, Update on collecting e-booklets of abstracts from each conference to post on website?–To discuss at next meeting


  1. ALL: Election planning for 2025 – who needs to run again/how do we encourage more involvement in EC? Start conversation on Succession planning/encouraging more members to run for EC. Ask each EC member to suggest two academics from their home countries / related countries to consider running to have a bigger pool for voting.

–To discuss at next meeting


  1. The EC should consider creating a small FAQ to keep this institutional memory available for future conference organizers.—To discuss at next meeting


  1. Other business

–AW forwards email from SRN member in Spain who needs a letter to confirm participation in SRN. IG offers to reply and take care of this in Spanish.


Date of next meeting(s):  Tuesdays same time – April 23, May 21, June 18, July 23, Aug. 20, Sept. 13 (in person at SRN2024).


Letter from Paolo Russo:


Dear SRN colleagues


I’ll keep this brief and go straight to the point.


I simply want to update and inform everyone that yesterday I was notified by my university that I am no longer at risk of losing my job. Of course, it’s difficult to know for sure, but I am quite confident that Rosanne’s letter on behalf of the SRN played a significant role in pushing for a positive resolution of what (I have to admit) has been a rather brutal and distressing experience. One thing I know, is that the recipients of that letter, starting from my Head of School, were beyond impressed by the sheer number of signatures – and I for one was blown away by it.


So, thank you, to each and every single one of you, to Rosanne, Anna and the whole EC (Jan, Rose, Isadora, Clarissa, and Lucian) – not just for sending the letter but also for the dozens of supportive/concerned/friendly/cheering-up emails and messages over the past few months: one might think that simply dropping a line to someone going through a rough patch does not do much to resolve much bigger problems, but one would be wrong. I will cherish every single word all of you were so kind to send my way. I will email everyone individually next week and I can’t wait to thank many of you in person next September in Olomouc.


One more thing: if, in any way, this shows that I can be used as a guinea pig so that in the future the SRN might do the same to try and support any other colleagues anywhere else who find themselves facing similar adversities, then this has not been for nothing. As Anna argued on behalf of the EC, higher education is facing a troubled present and an even more uncertain future in many countries – and the arts, humanities and media in particular have become a favourite (and easy) target despite much evidence to contrast any (often ludicrous) excuse behind each and every attempt against them. While we are happy that at least for now the worst seems to be over, the situation at Oxford Brookes is far from being resolved for good, as in many other universities. With that in mind, let’s do our best so that the SRN can keep being the amazing community it has grown to be.


With heartfelt gratitude.

Take care!


Paolo Russo

SRN Executive Minutes – February 2024

SRN Executive Council Meeting

(via Zoom)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW), Lucien Georgescu (LG).  ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM)


  1. Apologies / Take group photo
  2. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (November)
    –Jan and Isadora
    –Rosanne approves, Anna seconds


  1. ECR position update after the AGM: Meeting Marco Ianniello, recommended by Craig Batty. marco.ianniello@nd.edu.au – Times don’t line up so will look for other 2nd ECs


  1. JC: Update on SRN2024! (via email) We have accepted 104 proposals. In addition to the classic topics like teaching screenwriting, we also had proposals dealing with AI and virtual reality. I’m very happy about this, because it shows that we have a strong community that has the ambition to tackle current issues.
    • We are also dealing with financial resources from the Czech Cinema Fund.
    • Donat Keutsch, Peter Krämer, Alice Nellis will be keynote speakers at the conference. We are still negotiating with Agniezska Holland, but she is making a film and we will definitely confirm this in the summer.
    • The conference will have its own social networks. I would like to ask Clarissa to contact my colleague Anna (simakova01@upol.cz) to arrange to share posts on our network’s social media.
    • Please ask Lucian if he has received confirmation of the acceptance of his proposal.


  • JC – Newsletter Update – (via email)
    • I have compiled the information for the newsletter but have not had time to prepare it for mailing. Hopefully I’ll get to it next week.
    • I’m so sorry for the delay with finishing of newsletter, but I couldn’t make it through work and family obligations. I’m fighting with time management…


  1. AW/RW: No new news on Statement regarding Oxford Brookes slashing of Arts and Humanities programs. Expect update by end Feb. Will email rather than wait for next meeting.

    –Rosanne updates on Paolo’s situation.


  1. RW: Update on Awards:

Teaching Award Judges: (Ian MacDonald, Anna Weinstein Rosamund Davies.

Jan will post in newsletter/RW or AW will post to listserve?


Book/Monograph Award Judges – Need to post to listserve as well:

Carmen Sofia Brenes csbrenes@gmail.com

Leslie Kreiner <leslie.kreiner@pepperdine.edu>

Jayalakshmi, Garrabost G.Jayalakshmi@napier.ac.uk

“ Runner-Up TAPS British writer of the year (2004 or 2005)/in China for four years setting up a film school and working with Chinese filmmakers”

–AW will send out another announcement via the listserve about the Teaching Awards, moving the deadline to May 1.


  1. IG: presentation of email for members on Top 5-10 suggestions/how they are being addressed from Membership Survey. For listserve and also AGM.

    –Postponed until March meeting.


  1. CM: Presentation of the report of monthly results of social media, and possible conference in Brazil in five years in the city of Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

    –CM updates on her discussion with Carmen on the mid-year conference, how the translation worked (dual-language) with headphones and a translator. CM is aiming for 2025 or 2026 because she would need a lot of sponsorship to run the conference. Ideally aiming for April due to weather. Would like to bring Anna Muylaert to do a keynote.

    –CM has been putting the emails into posts. Every three days posting something new.


  1. RF: Thanks to Rose for adding the international list of Writers Guilds to the webpage of Website. NEW IDEAS: Post list of members produced credits? Collect e-booklets of abstracts from each conference to post on website?

    –RF suggests that a collection of credits would take too much bandwidth on the website as well as workload, especially since credits are constantly changing. RW agrees


  1. AW/RF – Took over the list of all the books mentioned in the December listserve email about books to use in classes? Add that to the website. Build off of Camila C A Agustini: “I copied all the suggestions from this list in a Google Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BTjkzeZ_OYCMJCaaABAO0SJbFvTPJt-tT9IakIUiA18/edit


  1. RF: SRN Conversation #3 now on YouTube – need someone to organize Converation #4 with Kerstin (since she was sick) and who else?

–RF is still working on determining who will be a part of the conversation. RW suggests that it would be ideal if we could have another conversation in the next three months. RF suggests that we need someone to help organize. CM says she can help to organize. LG says he can help as well. RW explains that one person can organize, and another can do the interview. LG says he’s happy to interview Adam Ganz, and RW explains that they will interview Adam as well as Kerstin. RF suggests that this might be an ECR job, RW agrees that makes sense since this is social media related. RW says that by March they should nail down the dates they are aiming for.


  1. ALL: Election planning for 2025 – who needs to run again/how do we encourage more involvement in EC? Start conversation on Succession planning/encouraging more members to run for EC. Ask each EC member to suggest two academics from their home countries / related countries to consider running to have a bigger pool for voting.

    –RW points out that RW, RF, and AW would need to run again to stay on the board. RF says that she is inclined to step down. RW suggests that rather than stepping down, she could stay on as a website mentor for the new person who comes on board. LG seconds this. Jan and Isadora are continuing for the next two years since they were voted in last year.


  1. The EC should consider creating a small FAQ to keep this institutional memory available for future conference organizers.

    –RF would like to collect the abstracts. She will determine which books she still needs and let RW know, and then RW will send out an announcement to the listserve requesting missing books of abstracts from past conferences.


  1. Working Group Update: Invite group leaders to March meeting for updates.


  1. Other business

    –RF asks if LG wants to have a specific role as now he is a member at large. RF suggests that he may be in charge of the Conversations. LG likes the idea as he has a background in journalism, reluctant to commit until he has more details about the time requirement. RF, LG, and CM will connect offline before the next meeting to discuss the next Conversation.


Date of next meeting(s):  Tuesdays same time – March 19, April 23, May 21, June 18, July 23, Aug. 20, Sept. 13 (in person at SRN2024).