Screenwriting Teaching Innovation Award
New for 2024, the Screenwriting Research Network (SRN) is implementing a Screenwriting Teaching Innovation Award to recognize the achievements of an outstanding faculty scholar whose work demonstrates new and original approaches to supporting the teaching and learning development of screenwriters and scholars of screenwriting.
This may include (but is not restricted to) new teaching methods and new insights into learning around screenwriting, ways of linking screenwriting research with practice, ways of developing the writer’s individual ‘voice’ and their understanding of screenwriting as an artform, interventions into syllabus content and presentation, ways of engaging with industrial practice (such as improving the ‘fit’ between classroom work and production), or new ways of using screenwriting research to support teaching.
As a member of SRN, you may self-nominate for the Screenwriting Teaching Innovation Award, or you may nominate a colleague. Each candidate is responsible for collecting, collating, and preparing their application materials.
Please submit a nomination packet of no more than 15 pages by May 1, 2024 including the following materials:
- Two-page summary statement describing an innovative assignment or teaching method including goals for the assignment or instructional technique, implementation in the classroom, student feedback and interaction with the assignment or teaching method, student success, and an explanation of reflective teaching and adjustments in response to student work and feedback.
- Three-page CV highlighting accomplishments in teaching including screenwriting courses developed and taught, student mentoring, student successes, teaching workshops or lectures, institutional teaching awards, or published scholarship on the teaching and learning development of screenwriters and scholars of screenwriting.
- Sample assignment or syllabus.
- Two letters of support, including one from a faculty colleague and one from a former student.
Nomination packets are due May 1. The SRN Teaching Innovation Award Committee will select two awardees for 2024. Awardees will be notified will be notified July 15, and awards will be presented at the 2024 SRN conference.
Please direct questions to Teaching Innovation Award Committee members:
Dr Ian MacDonald
Dr Anna Weinstein
Dr Rosamund Davies