SRN EC Meeting
Monday 6.9.2021 at 10 pm GMT/UTC (via Zoom)
Circulation list: Carmen Sofia Brenes (CSB), Rose Ferrell (RF), Ann Igelström (AI), Rafael Leal (RL), Margaret McVeigh (MM), Paolo Russo (PR), Rosanne Welch (RW)
Apologies for absence
Minutes of previous EC Meeting for approval
All pending Action Points have been either discharged or itemized below in the agenda.
Approved by All. Sent to RL for website posting by PR.
Approval of Annual Report and Action Plan (All)
To be approved by AGM on 13 September 2021
PR – Available on SRN2021 website for all members to read/approve during AGM. Grown more detailed each year. Report complete – Action Plan can be addended over next 2 weeks. Usually full report read at AGM, with it online we can summarize main points.
RW – Love the pie chart of membership by countries so please include that in short summary.
PR – Noted.
Any last-minute updates/info still pending
EC members attending/presenting at AGM
Strategic priorities (from Action Plan) for new academic year
PR – Time to prioritize the Action Plan during first meeting of new EC after AGM/conference. Suggestions:
2.b. Generate/share guidelines for running conference.
6.a. Replace Janet as judge next year, then Tom Stempel year after, then Eva year after that.
7 i. ii. Iii. – Website updates with banner, new forms, DEI statement
RF – Would like a mail out to all members requesting new form for new data. Need access to GoogleDrive from RL to create form. Will also clear out lists based on responses by certain time.
PR – Almost 700 members to date. Worth cleaning the list for clarity.
RF – Would like to blend JISCmail and our list together for clarity. New points to discuss at ongoing EC in the new year.a. record round table with earlier conference organizers
PR – Intends to do some one off Zoom talks – one could be another of these oral histories
14 – Yearbook of international organizations – done 4 years ago and contacted us again to check our info for updated edition
CSB – Find a way to offer an email for later connection since EC Chair changes every 2 years
Update on SRN2021 (PR, All)
Status update, attendance, issues
PR – Conference going well. Factoring in live panel attendance (50-60) and online views (1,700 or so). Only issues were last minute presenters withdrawing, causing schedule updates. When we went online we had 118 papers for in person conference, retained 60% of them in recorded/online presence. Feedback after first Keynote overwhelmingly positive. This week Prof. Murray Smith.
Presentation of Vienna 2022 (dates, venues)
Claus Tieber will do this at second AGM. Video will also be posted. Dates now change – set on Sept. 22, 23, 24, 2022. U of Vienna has buildings scattered across city. Venue will be at building in northwestern section of time. 10 minute underground ride to city center.
SRN Award: Prof. Janet Staiger standing down from Jury (ask Jule Selbo?)
EC election and roles (All)
Rota for current members who will remain in post
To assess nominations and whether Elections will take place (if so, closing at end of AGM on 13 September 2021). If not:
- Extension of mandate of current members ad interim
- New Call for Nominations with October deadline
- Online voting system
PR – 3 nominations for ECR. One for EC. Isadora Garcia-Avis nominated from ECR to EC by PR and RW. New EC is now RW, RF, RL, MM, IG. Need to fill proper roles. I suggest that CSB role has less involvement – should blend with other roles as interim until next election.
Two that can subsume Treasure/Resources Officer – can go along with Newsletter Editor OR Membership Coordinator.
CSB – OR leave Treasurer vacant for a while since we don’t take in funds.
PR – Need to choose new Chair as I am stepping down. Others returning need to decide if they will change or stay the same.
RW – We could use a Happy Hour.
PR – No we’re attending separate Sessions
MM – We could keep this time as it works for all of us here now and the new member is from Spain.
PR – Rose will you continue as Membership officer?
RF – Yes.
PR – MM how about you for Newsletter?
MM – I’m hosting a conference here next year so interested in being the Chair for one year and splitting it with someone else next year.
RW – I’d be up for splitting it in the 2nd year as I prepare the SRN 2023. So this year you’ll be Chair and I’ll stay on as Secretary. Next year’ I’ll serve as Chair and you’ll step in as Secretary.
MM – I decided on this conference a week ago so can we discuss it? It is in June each year. We’d like to include SRN members. We’d like to invite CSB to visit meetings to explain her Chilean regional conference.
CSB – Originally, the Chilean conference was to expand members into Latin America and for those who could not go to London that year.
MM – Appreciated that you had translators and that will be useful for Asian presenters.
PR – The fruits of the Chilean conference can be seen in that Brazil has the most presenters attending. And RL came to us from attending that one.
PR – Time to thank Anne Inglestrom for her service as the ECR.
Induction of new Early Career Representative (All, minus AI)
AI exits meeting.
PR – We have 2 ECR nominations. Jan Chernick/ Czech Republic and Shaopeng from China.
Date of first “informal” meeting of new EC (if any)
Soon after AGM, if new EC in post
October, if new EC not in post yet
RW – Tuesday Oct. 21st for first. Will be on Microsoft Teams via MM.
CSB – WE all thank PR for his excellent job as a Chair in the midst of all the chaos that was created by the pandemic. Then his exceptional work creating the online version of SRN2020/2021 which will lead to other ways to use the online technology to keep SRN members connected between conferences.
RW/RF – Likewise many thanks to CSB for all her work for the EC and the SRN over the years. She is the reason so many of us are involved in the EC and we are so happy for the opportunities she made possible.
Any other business
PR – Online offers us a chance to stay in touch between conferences.
MM – Might need a 3 year business plan for use of technology/social media.
Date of next meeting: TBD (see item 7)