Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 19th January 2018 (by Skype)
Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Ronald Geerts, Christina Milligan
Apologies: Carmen Sofia Brenes, Anna Zaluczkowska
- Minutes of previous meeting
These were accepted.
- SRN Awards
Following some discussion, it was agreed that we should send nominations for the three-person jury to Claus.
Action: all
We decided that nominations for recipients of the awards should be made no later than 1st June 2018. The jury has until the start of the conference to make decisions. It was also decided that these awards are for research into screenwriting, and would not therefore normally be open to works considered as manuals. We also decided, for 2018 only, to ask for nominations for works which appeared between the dates of 01/01/17 and 01/06/18 inclusive.
An email will be drafted by IM, calling for nominations to be made by 1st June, Exec to approve.
Action: IM, all
Claus Tieber will oversee the process, as Facilitator.
Action: CT
CM will also promote it in the first edition of the Newsletter, due next month.
Action: CM
- Early Career Representative
IM is to send out the Call for a Representative.
Action: IM
- Milano Conference
CT reported that 140 abstracts had been received, 6 x keynotes had been slated and 2 more were hoped for. CT will circulate the list of names. The schedule is currently in preparation, and includes various meetings needed for the SRN. The Exec will be able to hold a meeting at the conference on Wednesday 12th September.
Action: CT
- Any Other Business
IM reported that he had sent an email around the Network asking for volunteers to provide data on resources for the Screenwriting Archives and Resources Project (SARP). In less than a day 6 people volunteered, plus three from the Exec. Just after the meeting the first data was received, from the University of Udine’s Screenwriting Research Center. We look forward to receiving more information, and collating it for the website.
Action: IM
- Date and time of next meetings
12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 16th February 2018, by Skype.