SRN Executive minutes June 2018

Screenwriting Research Network Executive

Minutes of Executive meeting 13:30 (Vienna time) 8th June 2018 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Christina Milligan, Ronald Geerts, Carmen Sofia Brenes.

Apologies: Anna Zaluczkowska

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were approved.


  1. SRN Awards

The meeting approved the FAQs, which will now be forwarded to the Jurors. CT will also compose the announcement of the Awards for the AGM. Carmen will turn her attention to designing an appropriate certificate.

Action: CT, CSB


  1. Elections to the Executive from 2018

IM had emailed Eleonore Fornasari with the Timeline of deadlines, but had not yet had a reply. He will follow this up, perhaps with Armando Fumagalli, early next week. IM will also re-circulate the Timeline information to the Exec, for information.

Action: IM


  1. Conference and AGM

No new information had arrived from Armando Fumagalli. CT will circulate the Exec through the summer with relevant information as it arrives. The date and time of the AGM is as noted in last month’s minutes, and the location is yet to be confirmed. Agenda items to Claus, please. Claus is also to prepare the Annual Report and the Action Plan.

Action: CT, all


  1. 2019 Conference

Anna Z was not present so could not comment on any contact with Guilhermina Castro and Daniel Ribas, if any. However, the EC felt the best opportunity would be at the Milan conference, in any case. The one urgent item was to clarify the dates, and AZ was asked to liaise with Porto over the best/suitable dates.

Action: IM, AZ


  1. Early Career Representative

Three candidates were considered, all of a high calibre. John Finnegan of Falmouth University (UK) was co-opted as our first Early Career Representative. His first meeting with the Exec will be at the EC meeting in Milan on 12thSeptember at 15:00 hrs. The EC felt the other two should be encouraged to stand for election, and/or perhaps take over from John in 2019. A suitable email would be drafted by IM and approved by CT to be sent to them.

Action:  CT, IM


  1. Any other business: Newsletter

CM informed the meeting that the new Newsletter was nearly ready, and would be forwarded to CSB for her input on Monday.

Action: All, CM, CSB


  1. Date and time of next meetings


13:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 7thSeptember 2018, by Skype.