Screenwriting Research Network Executive
Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 20th April 2018 (by Skype)
Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Christina Milligan, Anna Zaluczkowska, Carmen Sofia Brenes (from 12:40).
Apologies: Ronald Geerts
- Minutes of previous meeting
These were accepted.
- SRN Awards
Three distinguished scholars have accepted our invitation to be the first Jury for the SRN Awards. They will be officially announced at the Conference in September, and the Awards for Best Book and Best Article will be presented at the Conference in Porto in 2019. They are currently coming up with a list of FAQs about the process, and CT will liaise with them on behalf of the EC.
Action: CT
- Elections to the Executive from 2018
No suggestions had been received for someone to act as Returning Officer/Elections Director at the conference in September. Discussion produced two names and they will be approached.
Action: IM
- Newsletter
CM had not received any further feedback, but CSB had got two emails in support, and noted that some people had joined the Facebook group. A new call for information/news will be sent out soon.
Action: CM, CSB
- Milan Conference
There are at the present time 111 presenters, 50% from the USA/UK/Australia. There will be a special panel on Animation chaired by Paul Wells. The AGM will be held on 14thSeptember from 13:00-15:00, and the Exec Council will meet in person on 12thSeptember at 15:00 (agenda items to CT, please).
Action: CT
- Early Career Representative
The meeting considered applications and decided to co-opt John Finnegan of Falmouth University (UK) as the first Representative of Early Career Researchers. IM is to inform him and he will begin attending Exec meetings from September.
Action: IM
- 2019 Conference
Contacts for the Porto conference are confirmed as Guilhermina Castro and Daniel Ribas.
- Any other business: SARP
IM reported that more entries have been received for the pdf document, and that he would update this before releasing the next draft to AZ for inclusion on our website.
Action: IM, AZ
- Date and time of next meetings
12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 18thMay 2018, by Skype.