SRN Executive Minutes – May 2023


Monday, May 15, 2023 via Zoom

Circulation list: Rosanne Welch (RW), Rose Ferrell (RF), Jan Cernik (JC), Isadora Garcia Avis (IGA), Anna Weinstein (AW).  ECR Clarissa Miranda (CM)


  1. Apologies / Take group photo




  1. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting


–JC approves, RW seconds


  1. JC – Update on newsletter


–RW will send JC recent FB post so he can include in the newsletter. JC reports that he will also include information about the upcoming conference, book awards, recent survey data, and the call for nominations for the EC. AW asks whether we can include a cfp for volumes for the new Screen Storytellers series with Bloomsbury. RW and JC agree. RW asks about JC’s deadline for the next newsletter: May 31.


  1. IG/RF – Update on membership/new survey response


–IGA reports that we now have 250 respondents, which she shared with the EC via Google Drive. Just a few more new responses since our last meeting. IGA suggests we include a reminder in the next newsletter. JC suggests they include a short interview with IGA about the survey; he will reach out to her.


  1. Working Group Update: CM Reports on middle year online meeting between working groups and Early Career Researchers to be held in June.


–CM will organize the first meeting for August, Margaret McVeigh has already agreed to present (how to do applied research with students studying screenwriting). RF and RW agree that August sounds good, though RW won’t be able to attend. RW suggests CM record the Zoom meeting so anyone who can’t attend can access it later.


  1. RW/ALL: Plan time to post about elections during SRN: “Pursuant to Section 5.7 of our Constitution: “The Secretary will make all nominations and statements available to the Membership by no later than 14 days before the date of the election – by Monday 8 September 2023.” So nomination deadline is Aug. 11, 2023.


–AW shares the updated call. IGA and RW approve. AW will send out through the SRN listserve now. Asks whether we should resend closer to Aug deadline as a reminder. RF agrees this would be helpful.


  1. RF: Update: YouTube/Creating password repository (YouTube channel, login required being sent a one-time code to Rafael’s phone number, -change the setting to new Website coordinator’s phone number) / Institutional memory.– NEW NEED spot on website to post all award winners (books, articles, Tom’s award) permanently.


–RF shares that she will create the spot on the website for previous award winners before the next EC meeting. RF gives CM what she thinks is the login/password for FB and said she will search correspondence with Raphael and Paolo to see if she can find it.

  1. RF: Update on SRN Conversation planning


–RF updates that she hasn’t received a response from Davinia Thornley and will look to find new contact information.


  1. RW: SRN 2023 Conference Update – RW – Registrations coming in/panels being constituted to post on website/Costume Exhibition planned to coincide

–RW updates that everything is coming together for the conference, though few registrations to date. She expects this has to do with when travel funding becomes available for faculty. Since SRN members have expressed a desire for more professional panels, she is considering inviting showrunner Jeff Melvoin to do a presentation on showrunning. (He has a new book out.) She is still deciding, however, since the focus of the conference is women in screenwriting. RW updates that there will be an opening night gala, a joint production of screenwriting and fashion program at Stephen’s College, with exhibits of film costumes. Her students are helping to develop the exhibit.


  1. CM: Status on other forms of social media connection – reviving Instagram

–CM reports that she can create a new Instagram account, but it won’t be connected to FB. She doesn’t have the login and password for FB and would like to have it so she can connect the two accounts. She will try the new login RF suggests. RW and IGA discuss existing Instagram account, not an official account but rather through hashtags. CM will create the new Instagram account through FB. IGA suggests that we have a shorter handle.


  1. RW – Requesting more book reviews for JOS.

RW reports that it’s challenging to get book reviews for JOS. Shares that she makes a book review assignment for her MFA students and publishes the top two or three in JOS, which gives students their first publication. Students must find their own book to review, looking for international publications (in English). AW says this is a terrific idea, she will plan to do the same.


  1. Other business: Any vacations to consider in planning next meetings?


Date of next meeting(s): June 19, same time