London Screenwriting Research Seminar – Dr Eva Novrup Redvall

We are delighted to welcome at the next session of the London Screenwriting Research Seminar on Thursday 21st of March Dr Eva Novrup Redvall from the University of Copenhagen who will be speaking on

“Writing and Producing Television Drama in Denmark: The Writing of Borgen”

Venue:  STB3/6 (Stewart House, basement Next to Senate House) Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. (nearest tube Russell Square).

Dr Eva Novrup Redvall is Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen. She has spent time observing the Writers Room for Borgen as part of a major research project into the Writing and Production of Television Drama Series from Danmarks Radio, with the support of The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities (FKK)) This will be published in English as “Writing and Producing Television Drama in Denmark: From The Kingdom to The Killing” by Palgrave Macmillan later in 2013
She is also film critic for the daily Danish newspaper Information and part of the programming team for the Göteborg International Film Festival.

All welcome  -refreshments will be provided.

More information about London Screenwriting Research Seminar here.

Professor of screenwriting position open at Aalto

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture has an open position for Professor of Practice in Screenwriting for Film and Television. This is a fixed term position for 5 years at the Department of Film, Television and Scenography (ELO Film School Helsinki), beginning on 1st of January 2014 or as agreed. Deadline for the applications is 16th of April 2013. Please see the whole advertisement here.

Aalto University is a new university with over a century of experience. Created from a high-profile merger between three leading universities in Finland – the Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design Helsinki – Aalto University opens up new possibilities for strong multi-disciplinary education and research. The university has 20 000 students and a staff of 5 000 including 350 professors. Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture combines design, media, architecture, film, art education and art. More information:

SRN 2013 Conference – Call for papers

Screenwriting in a Global and Digital World

6th Screenwriting Research Network International Conference
August 20 – 22, 2013
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

This is a call for papers for the annual international conference on screenwriting research, this year organized by the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. The Screenwriting Research Network is a research group that commenced in 2006 within the Louis Le Prince Research Centre, at the Institute of Communication Studies (ICS), University of Leeds. The Screenwriting Research Network now consists of academics as well as practitioners interested in research centered on screenwriting studies. The network has achieved a critical mass in recent years with conferences taking place in Leeds (2008), Helsinki (2009), Copenhagen (2010), Brussels (2011), and Sydney, Australia (2012). The sixth conference widens the geographic spread of the network to North America, taking place in Madison, Wisconsin, USA (2013).

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