SRN Executive Minutes February 2018

Screenwriting Research Network Executive

Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 16th February 2018 (by Skype)


Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Ronald Geerts, Christina Milligan, Anna Zaluczkowska, Carmen Sofia Brenes (from 12:50),

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were accepted.

  1. SRN Awards

An email had been drafted by IM, but this process has raised further questions and thoughts. There followed a discussion about possible jurors, criteria for appointment, duration of appointment and other elements. A list of names had been received by CT and circulated. The procedure for nominating entries was also discussed. It was also decided that the Awards should not be started before next academic year, and would therefore be announced properly at the next AGM, along with the names of the judges.

It was also decided that CT and the Executive would remain ‘hands-off’ once the panel had been appointed, and the process should be run independently by the Chair of the jury. Judges should be appointed for one year, with the expectation of (though optional) of continuing for a second.

Entries should be nominated by an SRN member, and we would encourage a wide range of sources for nomination – i.e. it is not just specialist screenwriting material that could be valuable to the screenwriting studies field. The key is its contribution to screenwriting research and knowledge. Entries cannot be nominated by the author or the publisher of the piece.

It was decided by the Executive that members should send CT 3 votes each from the shortlist of judges, before the next meeting. Once these are appointed, the ball can be set rolling.

Action: All

  1. Early Career Representative

IM apologised for the delay in sending out the Call for a Representative. This will be done shortly.

Action: IM 

  1. Milano Conference

The Exec will be able to hold a meeting at the conference at 15:00 hrs on Wednesday 12th September. Those whose papers have been selected have been informed, and information about travel etc. has also been sent.

Action: CT

  1. SARP

IM reported that information on around 10 collections had been supplied, and he was expecting more before releasing a first pdf via the website. A further call for info will then be sent out.

Action: IM

  1. Newsletter

CM reported that the first issue was imminent.

Action:  CM

  1. Website

AZ reported this was now on a different platform, though it looks the same. Very few people had got back regarding the working groups, and the Chair of the games group had announced she was resigning. On this front, perhaps we need to do some awareness-raising at the conference.

Action: CT, AZ

  1. Date and time of next meetings

12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 16th March 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes January 2018

Minutes of Executive meeting 12:30 (Vienna time) 19th January 2018 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Ronald Geerts, Christina Milligan

Apologies: Carmen Sofia Brenes, Anna Zaluczkowska

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were accepted.

  1. SRN Awards

Following some discussion, it was agreed that we should send nominations for the three-person jury to Claus.

Action: all

We decided that nominations for recipients of the awards should be made no later than 1st June 2018. The jury has until the start of the conference to make decisions. It was also decided that these awards are for research into screenwriting, and would not therefore normally be open to works considered as manuals. We also decided, for 2018 only, to ask for nominations for works which appeared between the dates of 01/01/17 and 01/06/18 inclusive.

An email will be drafted by IM, calling for nominations to be made by 1st June, Exec to approve.

Action: IM, all

Claus Tieber will oversee the process, as Facilitator.

Action: CT

CM will also promote it in the first edition of the Newsletter, due next month.

Action: CM

  1. Early Career Representative

IM is to send out the Call for a Representative.

Action: IM

  1. Milano Conference

CT reported that 140 abstracts had been received, 6 x keynotes had been slated and 2 more were hoped for. CT will circulate the list of names. The schedule is currently in preparation, and includes various meetings needed for the SRN. The Exec will be able to hold a meeting at the conference on Wednesday 12th September.

Action: CT

  1. Any Other Business

IM reported that he had sent an email around the Network asking for volunteers to provide data on resources for the Screenwriting Archives and Resources Project (SARP). In less than a day 6 people volunteered, plus three from the Exec. Just after the meeting the first data was received, from the University of Udine’s Screenwriting Research Center. We look forward to receiving more information, and collating it for the website.

Action: IM

  1. Date and time of next meetings

12:30 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 16th February 2018, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes December 2017

Agenda SRN EC Meeting

15.12.2017 at 2pm Vienna/Brussels

Attended by CM, CB, RG; CT

Excused: IM, AZ had technical problems

  • Minutes of last meeting


  • Newsletter

Some response from the list, a new call for information will be send out in January, first newsletter should be published in February 2018

  • Milano

At the moment there are 85 abstracts (mail from Paolo)

Feedback to people who sent abstracts should be given by January 31st 2018, keynote speakers should also be conformed by this date

  • Archival survey, Ian’s draft for mail

Should be sent out as it is. We assume the problem that more than one person will write about the same archive as marginal, even if so there could be additional info in multiple accounts

  • SRN Awards for outstanding publications in screenwriting studies

categories, organization, timeline

We decided to give away awards in two categories:

  1. Outstanding book in the field of screenwriting studies
  2. Outstanding article in the field of screenwriting studies

(Books in the Palgrave series and articles in the JoS are included.)

A jury of three people should decide. Members of the EC should make suggestions for jurors and have in mind that we need a jury as diverse as possible. Members of the EC, editors of book series and JoS are not allowed to be in the jury. Jury members should change every two years (or so).

Nominations for books and articles should be send to the EC, deadline for nominations has to be confirmed. Jury should have enough time to read and discuss. If there are too many nominations, we might discuss the option of a short list made by the EC.

Accepted are only scholarly works (research articles and books).

Awards will be presented at Milano conference.

  • Reminder: Call for early career research should be send out.


  • Reminder: Ideas for financing

Ideas for “How to spent it” should be collected for a more structured discussion about the topic next year. (at least at the EC meeting in Milano)

  • Time of meetings

CM suggestes to change the time of our meetings to 12:30 Vienna/Brussels time. If this is possible with Anna and Ian, we will do so. 2pm Vienna/Brussels is in the middle of the night in New Zealand.

SRN Executive Minutes November 2017

Minutes of Executive meeting 14:00 (Vienna time) 17th November 2017 (by Skype)

Present: Claus Tieber (Chair), Ian Macdonald (Minutes), Ronald Geerts, Carmen Sofia Brenes, Christina Milligan, Anna Zaluczkowska

Apologies: Christina Milligan (bereavement)

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were accepted. Late apologies for absence have been received from Christina Milligan and Ian W. Macdonald.

  1. Matters arising

There was further discussion of the role and title of ‘early career representative’. It was felt the term ’Early Screenwriting Researcher’ might cover the sector better, as some have already established a career and now have moved into the study of screenwriting. IM offered to produce a short definition for our use.

Action: IM

The dates of the EC meetings for 2017-2018 are as follows (all at 14:00 Vienna time). So far as we are aware, these do not clash with major public holidays:

15th December 2017

19th January 2018

16th February 2018

16th March 2018

20th April 2018

18th May 2018

15th June 2018

20th July 2018

  1. Website

AZ was thanked for the work she had put into freshening up the website. She reported that Leeds University was using new software, which had some advantages, e.g. in using plug-ins. Would we like more photos? The Executive replied in the affirmative, and CSB reflected that after the 2013 conference a Flickr account was set up for SRN – she will forward details to AZ.

Action: CSB

One or two working groups need to be added in, and AZ will work on contacting convenors for any content. All Exec members need to go through the content and send changes and comments to AZ.

Action: All

  1. Newsletter

CSB and CM were thanked for producing a discussion paper on the proposed Newsletter. Several items were discussed and there was a positive reaction to the suggestion of a Conference Impressions piece being included. Quarterly appearance was felt to be appropriate and manageable (Feb/May/Aug/Nov), and the whole is to be a way of linking SRN members with recent information, and intelligence about the field. Much of it will consist of links to other publications. CM will edit and prep the information, and CSB is responsible for dissemination.

Action: CM, CSB 

  1. Milano Conference

CT reported the deadline for submissions was drawing near, and we should know the likely attendance by the next meeting. He is liaising with Armando Fumagalli.

Action: CT

  1. Ideas for SRN Awards, and Finance

The EC discussed the Action Plan, as presented to the AGM, point by point. Individual members of the EC were appointed to lead specific activities as follows:

CT was thanked for having produced two papers of notes on the ‘awards’ idea, and on ideas for both raising and spending funds. There was brief explanation from CT, who said these are the beginnings of new ideas, rather than opportunities for discussion and evaluation, at this stage. The EC is asked to contribute to each paper, with the intention of discussing Awards at the December and/or January meetings, and Finance at the February/March meetings.

Action: All

  1. Date and time of next meetings

14:00 Vienna/Brussels time on Friday 15th December 2017, by Skype.

SRN Executive Minutes October 2017


SRN EC meeting October 20th, 2017, 2pm Vienna/Brussels time, via skype

Present: CT (Chair & minutes), CB, AZ,

Excused: RG

Minutes of last meeting were accepted.

  1. Website

Problems with access, should be solved soon, new EC, minutes and CfP for the Milano conference should be uploaded.

  1. Otago post conference survey

Overall very positive reactions to the conference and the network in general. Some seems to be confused with parallel panels. Agreed to do surveys after next conferences.

  1. Newsletter

CB reports that she has worked on it together with CM, there will be a newsletter Nr. 0 soon. We agreed that it would be enough to start on a quarterly basis. Newsletter should include different sections with links to (external) content. A close connection of newsletter, website and Facebook page should help to distribute our content via many channels. A closer cooperation with the JoS should be helpful for both. Newsletter could also promote older articles from the journal if the fit a current debate.

  1. Early career representative

Should be more precise in definition of “early career” and explicitly state that this is an unsalaried post

  1. Milano 2018:

CfP is out, is distributed with the help of CT, further distribution is desirable. Keynote speakers will be a mix of practioners and scholars, national (Italian) and international, male and female. CT is in ongoing communication with Armando.

  1. Dates of EC meetings

Should have been sent out by IM. In general it will be the third Friday of the month at 2pm Vienna/Brussels time. Next meeting will be on November 17th.

11th Screenwriting Research Network (SRN) International Conference

Writing for cinema. Writing for TV.

Call for Papers

The 11th Screenwriting Research Network (SRN) International Conference will be hosted by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
It will take place from Thursday September 13th to Saturday September 15th, 2018.

Abstracts for original paper presentations and panels may be submitted until December 15, 2017.

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